Isaiah's Interlude/ My Silhouette

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I'd like to take a pause in the poetry and explain to my son how much he means to me   Since your first gasp on this earth that miraculous day, I'd fallen in love deeper than I had any woman ever in life. I remember getting a call from your father... and all he said was its time.

You probably are wondering why wasn't I awaiting your arrival. Physically, I was away at school attempting to get a higher education because I want to be able to tell you that no matter the obstacles placed in your pathway. You.Can.Make.It 

Mentally, I had been awaiting your arrival for the better part of 6 months. As soon as I knew that you were blue and not pink. A small part of me rejoiced because you and I can mimic what your grandfather and I have. I had my best friend that I hope and pray will love me unconditionally, I still religiously put those thoughts into the universe. Jayden Isaiah, you are my son and I am your dad and no matter what I will love you for an eternity.

Okay, now that I got that out back to the poetry

My Silhouette 

You match me so candidly 

From your mannerisms at such a youthful age, to your appearance, I couldn't deny you even if I lost my memory

You are me 

I am you 

When you look in the mirror, you will see you but a strong hint of me will always peak through and even when you are upset with me and want to rid me forever and you wipe the mirror trying to see a picture of you clearer 

I'll always be with you

You're young right now and attached to my hip

Older you will want to dip and leave me in the dust 

I know it's a part of growing up but I'll postpone it as long as I can 

Because you're my shadow, my conscious, my motivation, my reason for wanting to exist, the reason I won't take a world where I don't have success

One day you will grow up but I hope that I am the man you aspire to be when it's all said and done because Jayden Isaiah you are my silhouette 

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