Thank You's

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This is my first ever book I've ever published and completed fully. I could not have done this without numerous people in my life and I just wanted to take the time to thank you. First, and foremost I want to thank God for blessing me with this gift and strengthening me to share my gift with the world as for a very long time I've been afraid to do so. Thank you to my 9th grade English teacher Ms.Reaves and my 10th grade Math teacher Mrs. Army for telling me I had a gift and sharing my gift with the world any chance you had because I wouldn't share it without an extra push. Thank you to my mother and father both for supporting me once I decided to really hone my craft. Thank you to all of my supportive friends but especially Cut Squad, Tadi, and UNC-Pembroke's poetry club Inkwell. All of you have constantly motivated me to either finish or keep pushing in this journey. Thank you to every girl I've ever dated or am dating currently you all are influences to some of these pieces (one particular person more than others). Lastly, Thank you to my pride and joy, my son Jayden. You sir make me want to show you no matter the circumstances you can achieve greatness in everything that you do.

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