Who I am/ Why Creciendo?

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Creciendo means growing in Spanish. I am not a perfect being and I will never claim to be one but every day the goal is to be one percent better than the day before. If that means you haven't been tying your shoes and the next day you've remembered to tie your shoe then you've officially enacted in creciendo as you have done some growing from day to day.  

Hello, my name is artist name is Jeremiah I'shod. There's nothing special about that other than the fact that this is my first and middle name.  I am a young black male that is a son to a black woman and a black father and me, myself, am a father to a young black male who's mother is a young black woman. My content will cover things that I know which is love,heartbreaks, family trends, black empowerment, black mental health and what it is like being black in America.

I apologize if the content doesn't resonate with your core but regardless of creed or color I hope you can take something away from this. 

PLEASE LEAVE ME COMMENTS AND REVIEWS! Those keep me motivated to continue doing this.

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