pen's my best friend

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As I wrote these words they appeared faint, they appeared scared

The black ink that engraved in this white metaphoric stone know not to trust the stone as it has forsaken black ink's history from memory as far as we've known

Black ink, black history to us modern-day African Americans is mystery

The only history we know is the history that's sonically pleasing; word of mouth listening 

but that is slowly distancing itself from our left brain concept; our analytical mindset so now we rely on the right brain logic to create a sense of our identity, we're forced to be a lot more creative and imaginative since we've been lost in a genetic purgatory

We aren't black enough to be African so they say 

We aren't American enough for America's trust to fight for us 

The fluidity I speak reveals nothing but my black truth

Uncovering all the white lies I've been told

Stripping the world of the covert shield it owns

Forcing a spotlight on the naked glory, ousting the privilege some posses 

We are no longer possessions and I'm allowed to learn now so allow me to showcase my diction

In a previous poem, we talked of a florist looking for a place to plant his elegant excellence of knowledge and that was a negative connotation in the long run but even at our worst we still express elegant excellence with a hint of arrogance that can't be denied no matter you or anyone else's preconceived notions 

You and I are equal, no matter the color of our skins but if you don't want to accept me then I guess this pen will be my best friend

*Shoutout to those who are accepting regardless of creed and color YOU are seen) 

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