Injustice for US (U.S)

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"Cops give a damn about a negro, pull the trigger kill a nigga, he 's a hero" 

Pac said this lyric back in '98 and 21 years later we face the same fate

They've updated they ways on how to slander our race 

Bullets aint the only way to put the black man away 

Posting mugshots even when he's been the one shot

Black man is a victim, the institution makes him criminal 

can't win for losing when you always playing from behind

the score always a 2 to 1, on a 2 to 1 ratio

We do our best to change the status quo

Pushback against the pushback

Officer screams he afraid and fearful for his life to stay intact 

A gunshot rings, down the black barrel of the gun wanes white smoke in the wind 

Officer stands upright, black man gunned down... future doctor gunned down.... future lawyer gunned down.... future judge gunned down... future attorney gunned down

Funny how even the white smoke vanishes and leaves the black gun cold,and full of blame after these situations

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