Found my voice

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As a young male, it's hard for me to express myself
We are taught early two emotions
Anger or Stoic
There's no place for smiling because that shows weakness
It's a disease instilled in us for generations and generations
We always say I am not my father or I am not my mother yet the same tendencies we deemed our generations enemy has now become energy coursing through present-day society

Toxic masculinity has become a trait that is passed through hereditarily
We Only know how to bottle things up and tip the bottle up to down our sorrows
The Hennessy flavor has an after taste of pride that we happily will swallow instead of showing emotions or morals that aren't seen as "manly"

I was of the same belief and to an extent, I still struggle
Moments of pain, shame, failure, blessings, and lessons are silent afterthoughts
because I would never dare speak these aloud to show someone when I'm down
So they can kick me a lil harder
Damned if I allowed myself to be a martyr so explain my feelings to anyone? Why bother?

And then I met the pen and the pen met the paper with my cognitive functions writing my emotions bleeding every thought I was afraid to say aloud in blue and black ink-stained forever on a canvas and I realized I found my outlet I found my passion I found my voice

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