seduction is harder than it looks

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as I wrote this a trojan ad started on Spotify and that's a fucking sign if I've ever seen one. 


The second I open the front door of our apartment, someone throws themselves on me, kissing me so roughly they're practically eating my face. I open my eyes wide in shock, only to see Taron attached to the hungry lips. I smile, easing into the kiss and dropping my bag on the floor. He pushes me against the front door, slamming it shut, and runs a hand down my side onto my waist. He leans his head to the side and kisses various spots on my neck until he finds my sweet spot. I bite my lip, wrapping my arms around his back, gripping his shirt tightly. 

"Nice to see you too." I gasp, he lifts his head and smiles at me. 

"Today was boring." He pouts. 

I pat his head lightly and smirk. "I'm sorry your life sucks so much."

Heading in the direction of the kitchen, slightly out of breath, he scurries behind me like a small, eager dog. I open the fridge and grab a can of diet coke, cracking it open as I sit heavily down on the couch and put my feet up. Taron sits beside me, facing me, running his hand lightly down my thigh, concentrating. 

"Shall we watch a movie?" I ask brightly, reaching for the remote. Taron swats my hand away from it and I stare at him in shock. 

"So, no then?" 

He smiles slyly. "Well, I was thinking we could do something else." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and winks at me. 

I can't help but laugh. "Not tonight Taron." 

His face falls, then brightens just as quickly. He leans in and kisses me again, softly, tantalizingly. A grin sweeps over his face when he's finished as he looks at me expectantly. "How about now?"

"You may be a tease Taron, but you'll have to do more than that." 

"Fine." He grumbles, kissing me again, longer this time, running a hand through my hair sweetly. His lips taste like artificial strawberries, he must have been eating candy again. I pull away, smirking slightly to ask him about that. 

He sighs heavily. "That's what you want to ask me right now?" 

"Well have you?" 

Another sigh. "Yes, I had some candy earlier."

Our faces are fairly close to each other, I can see the exasperation in his eyes. I smile at him, amused. He can't help but smile back, drawing my attention to his lips. I cup his face with my hand, stroking his cheek with my thumb. His eyes flicker briefly to my lips, then he leans back slightly. 


"Okay what?"

He holds my hand but leans away from me again. "I'll stop trying to seduce you."

I snigger at the word seduce like a schoolyard boy. "You really need to work on your seduction skills Taron."

"Hey, I'd like to see you try!" He indignantly replies. 

I smirk at him evilly. 

"I'm not all that sure you would Taron."

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