the scarf

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just a short little cute thing idk


His hand is the only warmth that I feel, the rest of my body shivers violently as we step outside. The difference between the warm restaurant and the dead of winter outside takes my breath away. 

"Why did we decide to walk to dinner again?" I say between the chattering of my teeth. 

He chuckles and pulls me closer to him. "It was your idea y/n. I believe you said something along the lines of 'some fresh air will do us good'."

"Yeah well fuck that." I mumble. 

He stops us and wraps his arms around me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms, sending an inkling of warmth through my body. I smile to myself, leaning into him, craving his warmth.

"You want me to call a taxi?" He asks, still warming me, and I nod. 

He hugs me tight as he gets his phone out and calls them, I listen in silence as he speaks with the person on the line, using his 'phone call voice'. 

I stare up at him, admiring the way the snow sticks to his eyelashes and melt just as quick as they settle. He smiles softly. Standing still is making me colder, so I step away and walk around in circles, hopping around like an idiot to preserve warmth. It doesn't work. 

Taron takes his scarf off and wraps it once around my neck, pulling me towards him like a cowboy with his lasso. His lips connect with mine, shooting warmth across my face, both from his lips and the blush that creeps up on me. I sigh into his mouth, content, deepening the kiss. After a moment we are broken up by the arrival of the taxi, it's headlights bathing us in white light. 

He takes my hand in his, and leads me into the warmth of the taxi cab. 

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