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"Millie I swear to god if you leave me at this dumb fucking party I'll kill you." I say fruitlessly, as she walks away raising a hand in a wave.

"Fucking bitch." I mumble to myself, standing awkwardly in the middle of a stranger's house. 

She's always been a party girl, and I have always been the kind of girl who would rather stay at home and read books than socialise. In that sense, we never get along, but we're still best friends regardless. 

Sighing heavily, I walk to the drinks table, pouring myself something strong to get me through the night and sit on the stairs watching people in silence, a slight frown on my face. 

A hand rests lightly on my shoulder, and a voice I've never heard says: "You look bored."

I look up to see a man my age standing before me. His blonde hair is short, his smile wide, his hands in the pocket of his jeans. He leans against the banister casually, looking down at me. 

"That's because I am." I say simply, craning my neck to see him clearly. 

He raises his eyebrows and nods. "Why did you come if you didn't want to be here?"

I sigh heavily and shrug. "My friend made me come. I hate parties like this. She doesn't even know anyone here I bet you and she still wants to come party. I mean come on! She is so desperate it would almost be annoying if I hadn't know her for my whole life."

The man nods sympathetically. "What's your friend's name? Maybe I know her." 

"I doubt it. Her name is Millie." I say, flustered from the tiny amount of alcohol I have already consumed. I take another sip. "I don't know how she even finds these things, honestly. It's like she knows everyone, which makes no sense because other than these fucking parties she never leaves the house."

"She must just hear about them on social media." He suggests. 

I shake my head. "She doesn't believe in social media. Which again begs the question, How is she finding these shitty parties?"

The man smirks at me but says nothing. I find that I actually quite enjoy ranting to a stranger, who isn't going to talk to me ever again after this night most likely. 

"And of all parties for her to make me come to, she chose this one? This is by far the worst party I've ever been to. I mean, come on! The music is outdated, not like classics from the eighties or nineties or whatever, I'm talking two thousand's shit that wasn't good then and certainly isn't good now! The lights are going to give me a seizure, I'm surprised no one as had one already. There should be a sign outside that warns epileptics not to come in. The drinks selection is either too strong or non alcoholic at all, it's like a high school party where the kid stole whatever he could find in the parent's drinking cabinet. Not even any beer? It's basically vodka or coke! Not good enough. I mean we're all legal here so why not get some actual stuff that we can actually enjoy? Also the atmosphere is bad, I don't exactly feel like dancing here and I don't understand how everyone else is doing that."

Exhale. I look at him again to see him holding back a laugh.

"What?" I say, suddenly embarrassed. 

He just shakes his head and laughs. 

Millie appears suddenly around the corner looking slightly drunk but otherwise unharmed. I scowl at her and she laughs. "How's it going y/n?" 

"I've been better." I grumble. 

She looks at the man I was talking to and smirks, he smirks back at her and they both look at me. "So I see you've met Taron, the host of the party."

My face goes cold and my eyes widen. "What?"

"I'm glad to hear your input on how I run my parties, really it's super helpful." He grins. 

I blush profusely, and down the rest of my drink. 

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