a worrisome phone call

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It's only been about two minutes since I got stabbed, but it feels like days have passed. 

I stare at the back of the dumpster as I clutch the wound on the top of my chest, attempting and failing to stem the worst of the blood flow. There are several other wounds; on my stomach, thigh and hand, but this one is the deepest, hitting a major artery. 

You might think being stabbed would be the worst pain imaginable, but it's nothing compared to the knowledge that sitting at home, waiting for me to arrive for dinner, is my husband. 

I can't move without setting off more blood. I can't scream for help loud enough, and doing so would send me into a coughing fit. But I can't just sit here until I die.

I slowly and shakily reach into the pocket of my jeans with my good hand, and grab my phone. After a moment of struggling to dial Taron's number, I lift the phone to my ear and wait for him to answer. After a moment he does.

"Hey honey, you almost home?" He says happily. "Dinner is almost ready, tuna mornay as requested." 

His voice sends tears to my eyes. I try to sound as calm as possible, although I have to speak softly. "Yeah. I'm almost home. Don't wait for me though, get started on dinner before it goes cold."

"Okay, sure." He says. 

My head feels light, and my vision starts to get black speckles in it. My throat is dry, but swallowing does nothing. "I just called to tell you that I love you Taron." I wheeze. 

I can imagine his frown, and hear it in his voice. "Are you okay? You are almost home right?" 

"Yeah." I nod, crying silently. 

"Okay then. If you're sure." He chuckles lightly, probably shaking his head at himself. "I love you too y/n."

"I love you no matter what." I say through an onslaught of tears, my voice never wavering.

"I love you forever." He says, and I wish I could hear his voice better, I wish I could see his face, kiss him one last time. 

My head rolls back for a minute, I lose myself. 

"..y/n? Hello?" 

"Yeah?" I say woozily, the pain I felt starting to disappear. I have no time left. If I tell Taron my predicament, they won't be able to reach me in time, and It'll only stress him out. I don't want that. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" The concern evident in his voice. "Do you want me to pick you up?" 

I swallow to relieve my dry throat again, but my voice still comes out raspy. "It's fine Taron, really. Go back to cooking or whatever, I don't want to disturb you."

"You aren't disturbing me y/n. I love hearing you talk." 

I smile sadly. "I love you Taron."

"I love you too." He chuckles. "Very affectionate tonight aren't we?"

I laugh weakly, failing to notice that the blood is flowing less and less out of the wounds. 

"What do you say we carry on that affection after dinner? Yeah?" I can hear his smirk and imagine him wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Mmm, that sounds nice." I say, somehow flirting even though I'm dying. 

I don't shut my eyes, but my vision is completely black now. My arms feel weak, and I lose the will to keep stemming the wound. I can barely even feel it anymore. I hear Taron saying something, but he must be mumbling because I can't make out what he's saying. 

"Pardon?" I try to say, but it comes out as a gurgle. 

I'm so tired. I just want to curl into a ball and sleep. 


y/n drops the phone as her hand falls to the ground, allowing the last few drops of her blood to spill onto the concrete. She doesn't move. From the phone comes a quiet voice. It's Taron, wondering why the connection suddenly failed. Why y/n can't hear him anymore, and why he can't hear her. 

Eventually, he will hang up, assuming she will be home soon anyway. 

The only people that come are the police, many hours later, after her body was found. 

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