the doctor and the patient

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in which Y/N is a stubborn but quite hilarious drugged up patient and Taron is a grumpy doctor with a soft side. 


I open my eyes and immediately regret it. The lights above my bed are blindingly bright, and I blink like a mole rat as my eyes adjust. 

"Where the fuck am I?" I mumble, sitting up wearily. 

"You're in the hospital." A male voice says from the doorway. I look to my right and see a tall, and quite handsome man standing in scrubs. 

"You're cute." I say, giggling. 

He doesn't smile. His arms are crossed and he approaches my bed. "Miss Y/N you're here beca-"

"Wait!" I squeal, holding my hand out to silence him. "I wanna guess why I'm here."

He blinks. "No, I'm going to tell you."

"Please?" I pout. "It'll be fun I promise!" 

He sighs heavily but nods. "Fine, make it quick."

I scream, delighted. He flinches at the noise. "Okay, okay. Guess number one: wait! okay how about this. I have three guesses, if I guess right you gimme a kiss-"

"That's not happening Miss Y/N."

"Aww okay fine if I win you smile. Yeah? A smile would look good on you Mr Grumpy-face. And if I lose you can have whatever you want. What do you want Dr..."

"My name is Dr Egerton. You can call me Taron though." He sighs again, his lips almost permanently in a frown. "If I were to want anything out of this it would be an hour off work, my feet are killing me."

"It's a deal then Mr Taron!" I say loudly, unable to control my volume. "Let's shake on it." 

He reluctantly shakes my outstretched hand and I squeal again. 

"Yay! Okay here we go. My first guess...drumroll please Mr Taron."

He taps on the end of my bed halfheartedly a few times. 

"I was in a car crash and my spleen ruptured!" I shout, grinning widely. 

He shakes his head tersely. "Nope. Two left Miss Y/N."

"Fuck!" I yell. "Okay, guess number two: I have cancer and I'm gonna die any second!"

I wait patiently for his answer, my eyes closed in anticipation. 


"Andnowtimeformyfinalguesseveryone!" I yell, my words so fast they merge together. 


To my surprise Taron grins. "Bingo! And can you guess how long you were in the coma for?"

"UHHH..." I'm still yelling, excited at getting it right. "FIVE MONTHS! WAIT NO A YEAR. A YEAR!"

"Almost." He says, smiling. "You were in a coma for six months."

"Aw fuck I was so goddamn close. So why was I in a coma?"

"You had a stroke, which resulted in you entering an unconscious state. When it became clear you weren't going to wake up we declared it a coma."

"Cool!" I say cheerfully. 

"No not cool." He frowns. "I've spent six months taking care of you, and I've got to say, you're much different than you are when you're asleep."

"I'm pretty loopy." I say, squirming around in my bed like a fucking worm. 

Taron actually laughs. "I see you're experiencing post-coma come down. The drugs will wear off soon."

I continue wiggling. It's kind of fun. "Wiggle with me!"

He looks reluctant, so I wriggle more intensely. He sighs, giving in. Standing on the spot he wriggles around a bit, laughing a little. 

So there we lay, and stand. Wriggling like worms. Laughing like maniacs, at least in my case. It's easy to forget that I just woke up from a coma when you're wriggling like a worm with a handsome doctor. 

[please send in your requests!! or comment them idk haha whatever you want]

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