alone together

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first of all tysm for 4k!! my views have been going up insanely fast I have no idea how I guess it's just because Taron is the gorgeous bby he is and we're all collectively thirsty for him ANYWAY here's another oneshot I super quickly wrote ages ago that I forgot to post lmao

please listen to 17 by julia michaels while you read it's super cute and goes with the chapter


The cinema is empty, apart from a man my age sitting in the top row, in the corner. I take a seat about fifteen seats away from him, in the centre of the back row. The chair squeaks as I settle into it, leaning back and sipping my coke idly. We're the only people here, so I can hear his breaths even from fifteen seats away.  The trailers aren't playing yet, so we sit in silence, staring at a blank screen. Internally, I'm screaming. This is so goddamn awkward, and no one else is coming in. Neither of us brought a phone or something to do, which means the only thing we can do it sit in silence or talk to each other, which would be a nightmare. 

I stare at him from the corner of my eye. He's looking at his hands, clearly feeling as uncomfortable as I am. But he mustn't be feeling that awkward because he suddenly turns to face me. I whip my eyes back to the front, hoping he didn't look at me because he felt my eyes bearing into his skull. 

"I guess this isn't as popular a movie as I thought."

I bite the inside of my cheek and face him, looking at him properly for once. "No, I guess not."

He smiles a little, then shifts seats until there's only one between us, and stretches his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Taron by the way. I figure we should know each other's names if we're going to be alone for the next two hours."

I shake his hand, noting how easily it fits in mine. "Y/N."

Our hands fall apart and we lean back again, drifting into silence. I'm watching him again. He runs his tongue over his lips anxiously, and as a result they become a deeper red, more pronounced. I bite my own, shaking myself internally. 

I open my mouth, turning to face him properly this time. He looks at me, amused at my bewildered face. I don't know what I'm going to say, or why I even opened my goddamn mouth in the first place, so I shut it and stare at my hands with a burning face. An empty theatre, a pretty and charming man. Makes sense I can't form words like a normal person and start a conversation. 

I hear Taron chuckle to himself as he slides right next to me. I look at him, embarrassed, hating on his smirk. 

"You're a funny one aren't you?"

I shrug, face still burning. I expect him to just leave me alone, after all I am acting like a fucking freak. But he grins again and leans back in his seat, still staring at me. 

"Is there something on my face?" I meant to say it like a tease, but it comes out strange. 

He shakes his head slowly, unfazed. "Nothing I'm not glad is there."

My cheeks flush again. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Whatever you want it to darling." He smirks, teasing. 

I turn away from him, grinning and shaking my head. He soft laughs fill the theatre, making it feel slightly less empty. We lapse into silence again, this time I'm not staring at him weirdly. But I can feel his presence next to me, the warmth from his body radiates towards mine. His breaths are hot against the side of my neck, suggesting that he is faced towards me. 

"Y/N?" He says softly. "You're a strange girl."

I whip my head around, my mouth opened in shock. "What?"

He smirks again. "But I like it."

My gaping mouth shuts. I stare at him, confused. 


The smirk disappears, he bites his lip like he's trying not to show how he's really feeling in this moment. It's quiet, the trailer's should have started by now, but I guess someone's behind schedule. My heart races, the way he looks at me gives me goosebumps. A thousand words flash through his eyes, none of them right enough for him to say. 

He leans back away, staring ahead with his face set. After a moment I do the same. 

I pull myself back into reality. Give myself some perspective. I have known this man for a total of two minutes at best. I need to calm down. One side glance at him shows he has reached the same conclusion. I sit at the edge of my seat, furthest from him, he does the same. It's like we went somewhere within ourselves that made no sense, and needed to collect ourselves. 

The trailers start just then, pulling our attention to the screen. Then, four or five trailers later, the movie starts, and our meaningless thoughts are sent away. 

Only at the end of the movie when the credits start rolling do I notice him staring at me again. I have to wonder how long he had been looking, he seemed awfully comfortable, his head resting on his palm, his eyes shining. 

I smile at him as I collect my bag, and start to walk down the aisle, feeling the familiar sleepiness I always get after a movie. He is staring again. I can feel his eyes bearing into my neck. I stop at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at him. He doesn't look away, but he gets to his feet clumsily and stumbles down the stairs until he is standing one above me. 

My turn to smirk. "Can I help you Taron?"

If I hadn't been blushing earlier, I certainly am now. The intensity of his gaze sends my heart into a flutter again. He licks his lips again, which brings my attention to them. Real clever. 

"I want to see you again Y/N." 

I clear my throat nervously. "You do?"

He nods, his top lip twitching. "Yeah."

I raise an eyebrow and wink at him. 

"Well I'm sure we can make that happen." 

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