the corn maze

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do you guys like it better if I write from Y/N's perspective or in third person more because honestly I like both but third person is easier so just let me know what you enjoy more. :))

this one will be third person also just so you can read it.


Y/N came to the corn maze to wander aimlessly around by herself and figure out some things. What she didn't come for was more confusion and emotions, but hey, sometimes life doesn't give you exactly what you want, just what you need. 

It is now 5:30 in the afternoon. Y/N was only supposed to be here for an hour at most, but it's been at least three, and it doesn't look like she'll be leaving anytime soon. 

The maze is publicly run, there is no set time for opening and closing, which means no one will be looking for her. You see her problem is, she is hopelessly lost. She got cocky and decided she would head further and further inside, only to regret that decision when she couldn't make her way back. So now she stands alone, somewhere deep within it, staring at the tall corn stalks that completely surround her. 

It is starting to get dark. She pulls her jacket tighter around herself which does nothing to help. She stares at the two cross sections she could choose to wander down. Left or right? A simple question really, but she can't make up her mind. As soon as she thinks she should go one way, the other way seems more desirable. 

At this point everyone else is surely gone, no one comes to the maze to wander at night, it's a daytime thing, and its something done reasonably quick. A child could go through it and not get as lost as she is. 

Right. She decides to go right, after all, she is right-handed, so that makes an inkling of sense to her troubled mind. 

A twig snaps in the direction of the left turn. Y/N freezes. Her back is to the sound, and she doesn't want to turn around to see the reason for the sound. It's not wind, the air is still and heavy, the corn stalk leaves don't rustle, her hair stays flat against her back. 

Which means the reason for the sound must be human. 

She doesn't really want to talk to anyone at all. She came here for her company and her company alone. Not to talk with strangers. So she keeps walking in the direction she faces. 

Footsteps follow her, but she keeps walking, focusing on her own steps. 


A male voice calls after her. She stops in her tracks, still facing ahead.  "What?" 

He chuckles, clearly not aware she doesn't want to talk to him. She turns to face him, annoyed at this whole interaction. 

"What?" She asks again. 

The man before her is smiling gently, he seems harmless, but she doesn't want to take that for granted. She glares at him until he answers.

"You lost too?" His voice is kind, her body loosens, and she didn't realise she was so tense. 

"Yeah." She smiles. 

He introduces himself to her as Taron, and she returns the gesture.  

Together they continue to walk the path Y/N started up, and Y/N notices how close he stands to her. 

She doesn't really mind though.      

She bites her lip to contain her smile. Of all the things to make her feel better tonight, it's a total stranger. 


this was so rushed. please read my Eggsy Unwin book I just started, I've been focusing on that a lot today lmao

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