london boy

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requested by @_scarlet_roses_  

so sorry this took so long, hope it was worth the wait xx


My breath plumes in front of my face, and when I look down at Willow I see tiny puffs of frigid air coming from her own mouth. Her little booties make an adorable little squeaky sound with every step she takes, and despite the freezing air, she looks more content out here than she was inside. 

When you get a dog, the one thing they don't tell you is how often they want walking, and that no matter the weather outside, they will always want to go out. 

I sigh down at her, grinning a little at the look she's got going. 

We reach the dog park, and I let her off the leash. She immediately speeds away from me, running lap after lap around the park like it's nothing. She barely even breaks a sweat. 

Meanwhile I stand shivering, hopping up and down and side to side in the hopes of warming my body up just the tiniest bit. No use though, it only makes it colder still when I stop, and I don't much feel like jumping around like a lunatic for any longer. If anyone saw me it wouldn't be very easy to explain. 

"Cold are we?" A heavily accented voice comes from behind me. 

My face instantly heats up. Who would have known that would warm me up so instantly? I turn around to find myself face to face with an extremely handsome man my age. He grins, and bends down to take the leash off his own dog, without tearing his eyes away from mine. 

More air puffs around me as I laugh, hoping the redness of my face can be brushed away as just the cold. 

"Yeah, just a bit." I say sarcastically, rubbing my arms just to show I'm joking. "You don't look cold at all though, you must have very thick skin."

He laughs and his dog runs over to Willow, barking softly. "I'm not from around here, if you couldn't tell by my accent."

"I'm guessing you're British, but where about I have no clue. I can never tell the difference between each accent type."

"At least you're honest." He says. "Most people assume England only has one accent."

I shake my head. "Wait, so the reason you're not cold is because you're from England?"

"Precisely." He smiles. "Plus it's only 8 degrees, so that shouldn't be very cold for anyone."

I roll my eyes but grin, watching our dogs play fight each other happily. 

"I'm Taron by the way." He holds a hand out for me to shake. 

I take his hand. "Y/N." 

"Lovely to meet you Y/N."

We smile at each other, completely content in each other's presence, but not knowing why. 

Back then I had no clue just how much bumping into this man, Taron, would mean to me. But that frigid morning was just the beginning. 

When our dogs had all tired out Taron asked me if I wanted to go get a coffee with him, to 'warm up', as he phrased it, and I said yes. He paid for my drink, even tipped the barista even though she didn't ask for it.

After we had coffee we exchanged numbers and starting hanging out regularly. This was something I rather enjoyed, as I had grown quite fond of him, and wanted to see where our relationship might go. But clearly Taron was content with us being nothing more than friends, something I could tell simply from his mannerisms. And I was fine with that, because Taron's company was better than not knowing him at all. He was one of the most interesting souls I had ever known, and I felt lucky to count myself as a friend of his. 

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