the girl next door to my best friend pt. 2

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It's been a while since part 1 but here you go! hope you like hehe <3


3 months later

Taron hadn't made the mistake of knocking on Y/N's door again. That was something he made damn sure of every time he visited Ben. 

Twice he had seen her. One time it was a quick glimpse of her peeking through the curtains out at the street, before she shut them roughly when she saw him staring. The other time they actually spoke. Well, almost.

He was just leaving Ben's place when he looked over and saw her locking her front door. She had a loose corduroy jacket on, concealing whatever figure she might have. When she saw him her face immediately flushed bright red, and Taron's first thought was that she was angry at him still for accidentally knocking on her door. 

But she made no move to yell at him, or even to simply roll her eyes at his presence. Instead she managed a weak smile, which was so out of character that Taron felt his knees wobble beneath him, and he failed to return the gesture.

They both walked down their front steps in unison, looking at each other silently. It was like they were two species meeting for the first time, they had no idea what to do or say to the other. Especially Taron. In the short amount of time they were there together his mind was spinning with thoughts; none of them helpful at all. He pondered asking how she was, but the anxious part of his brain assured him that would not turn out well. Inside his head, it was madness, but he kept a perfectly calm face. 

Taron reached his car within seconds, and he knew that he should just get into it considering they weren't in the middle of a conversation or something. But so much felt unsaid between the two, and he wondered if he might not ever get a chance again with her. 

He looked down for a brief moment to fetch his keys out of his pocket, and by the time he looked back up, Y/N was gone, walking down the street away from him. 

In that moment Taron felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a very long time. Since his school days to be exactly precise. He knew it all too well, and he was not happy about it at all. 

No, the feeling wasn't love. Though Taron felt sure if he didn't do something about it there was a chance it could turn into that. But for now Taron was experiencing his first crush in many years. 

That was the last time Taron saw Y/N; two weeks ago. Two long, drawn out weeks. 

Whenever he went over to Ben's he found he wasn't excited to see his friend, rather he was excited that he might have the chance to see her again, maybe even to talk to her, properly this time. 

But life doesn't work that way does it?


Shivering, Taron stepped out of his car, knowing that when he got back into it hours later it would take far too long to heat back up again, and he would have to sit there freezing his ass off for longer than he wanted.  

As usual, he glances at Y/N's front window, (empty) before skipping up the steps to Ben's house. 

Ben pulls open the door before he can even raise his hand to knock, and ushers Taron inside, all too aware of the cold air rushing into his living room. 

As he locks the door he smirks to himself. "You did it again mate."

When he turns around he sees Taron staring at him blankly. 

"Did what?"

"Look through her window, tryna see if she's home."

Taron shrugs and flops onto the couch wearily. 

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