the girl next door to my best friend

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I might make this into a full book, just let me know if you like this in the comments, for sure there will be multiple parts of this but I found a similar thing on Tumblr which I adored so I thought I would switch the gender roles and make it more complex. 

please please please comment if you like this because I need to know whether to continue otherwise I'll be wasting my time


Taron had never been to his friend Ben's new house, all he knew about it was that he lived in a quiet street in the south of London. Further away from where he used to live, further away from the main roads he used to drive on every day. In a place surrounded by parks and fresher air than the middle of the city. Housing is much cheaper the further out you get, which is probably why Ben chose a place to live here. 

The taxi rolls to a stop and Taron steps out, thanking the driver with a twenty-pound note. Once the fumes from the cab drift away, he notices a significant difference in air quality, and the sky above seems to be almost blue. The building that stands before him is tall and thin, but there is only one front door, which means the whole thing belongs to Ben. Impressed, Taron turns and observes the rest of the street, which is filled with similar looking townhouses. Each has a small front garden. Some filled with a range of beautiful flowers, others empty and neglected. He starts up the front steps of Ben's house, taking them two at a time and leans on the doorbell, pressing it urgently just to annoy him. 

He hears muttering and light footsteps approaching the door. It is whipped open and an irritated-looking girl stands, her hands on her hips, in front of Taron. 

"Can I help you?" She grumbles, looking him up and down. 

This is definitely not Ben. Taron thinks, staring in awe at the girl who impatiently awaits an answer from him. 

"Oh sorry, I thought this was my friend's house." He stumbles on his words, but pushes through, not wanting to make any more a fool of himself. 

She stares at him for a long, tense moment, before slamming the door shut in his face. He can hear her pattering footsteps as she thunders away from the door. Taron raises his eyebrows and jumps down the stairs all at once as he makes his way back to the sidewalk. 

Ben gave him the wrong address. Another one of his practical jokes Taron decides as he makes his way to the next house over, hoping this is the one. Really it could be any of the houses on this street, they are all basically identical. But likely Ben would want to watch Taron being humiliated and laugh, so the next house would give him the best view of the show.

Taron stomps up the stairs and knocks on the door, tapping his foot with the same level of impatience as the girl next door. As he thought, a moment later an amused looking Ben opens the door. 

"You're late." He has the audacity to say, ushering him inside. 

Taron confronts him immediately. "You gave me the wrong address dipshit!"

"I see you've met Y/N then." Ben grins slyly, ignoring his words. "She's lovely ain't she?" 

Taron thinks back to the look of contempt on her face after he wasted her time. She slammed that door without hesitation, completely uninterested in what he had to say. Y/N was her name then. It suited her brash attitude for some reason. He finds himself smiling a little, which Ben doesn't fail to notice. 

"Don't you fucking fall for 'er mate, she's goddamn rude. I went round to her place the first night to introduce myself and she only told me her name. Didn't even shake my hand!" He adds in shock as if the mere thought of someone rejecting his handshake is too much for him to bear. 

"I'm not in love with her you idiot." Taron says, wishing the conversation would go in an entirely different direction so his face would stop glowing. 

"Sure." Ben says snidely, a nasty grin on his face. "Because falling in love is such a feat for you."

Taron shakes his head, getting annoyed now. Yes, he falls for people easily. Yes, he wishes he didn't. But there's not much he can do to control his feelings. At least he fully devotes himself instead of sleeping around like Ben. He makes a note of that to Ben, who punches his arm, but isn't nearly as offended as when Y/N rejected his handshake. Because he knows Taron is right, Taron doesn't make comments like that easily, his observational skills are without flaw. 

The boys drop the conversation, to both of their relief, and get on with their night of take-out and football on the telly. 

Taron watches the game, quieter than usual. For some reason, his mind keeps wandering to the girl who lives only a thin wall away from his best mate. Is she watching the game too? Can she hear the boys screaming at the tv through the walls? Is that annoying to her? Taron makes an effort to keep his screaming quieter than usual, hoping she'll be thankful for it. 


hi please comment if you want more of this. If I get enough people who like it I'll make it into an actual book or something. 

c o m m e n t

I'm a comment whore please fulfil me. 

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