butterflies and pink cheeks pt. 3

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𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬

As soon as she got home she checked her phone a few times before placing it face up next to her homework and trying to forget about it. 

It didn't work. 

Every few minutes she would turn it on to see if he hadn't messaged her, and her phone had simply forgotten to alert her. But there was no messages. An hour slowly passed, and Y/N began to get more and more anxious with every passing second. 

Meanwhile Taron also stared at his phone. He had a message ready to send at a moment's notice, and he was waiting for the perfect time to send it. He didn't want to sound too eager by sending it right away, but he knew if he waited too long, it would be too late and she might suddenly be busy. So before he could overthink it, he pressed send. 

And then he waited. 

Y/N jumps when her phone finally pings, a rush of exhilaration overcoming her when she sees the message. 

Hi Y/N, it's Taron! If you're free now we can get started on your first lesson if you'd like? If not that's fine, I'm also free tomorrow afternoon. Let me know :)

She's on her feet and running to get her coat as she messily types her response. Ten minutes later she is parking her car outside his house. He's standing on the porch waiting for her with a smile. 

When she opens the door and steps out he calls out to her. "Good afternoon Y/N!"

She smiles and reciprocates the welcome. As she walks up the front steps he holds the front door open for her, and she thanks him with a nod, keeping her head down to hide her pink cheeks. He leads her into the kitchen, where the late afternoon sunlight trickles in, bathing them in warmth. 

Taron offers her water, which she accepts, and tells her to sit down. 

She sips her water nervously. "Are your parents home?"

He shakes his head, his eyes clouding over slightly. "No, they won't get back until late."

"I see." She takes another sip so she has something to do with her hands. They stare at each other without fully realizing for a moment. 

Taron is the first to wake up. He walks over to a shelf in the corner and rummages through piles upon piles of sheets. He finally lands on a few, pulling them out of the pile, satisfied, and walks back. 

"These are a few of the first pieces I learnt how to play."

Y/N reaches for them, looking at the symbols and lines that cover it. It's a whole other language, she doesn't understand a single thing about what any of it means. 

She must look bewildered, because Taron takes the sheets back from her and gives her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. We won't look at that straight away. I'll just be teaching you some basic chords for today, maybe a little song. You won't need to read music for it. In fact, you really don't ever need to. You can learn a song simply from muscle memory most of the time, or auditory memory I guess..."

As Taron rambles about auditory memory Y/N stares at him, trying not to look too longingly. If she could have somehow seen a photograph of herself in that moment she would have seen nothing short of love in those eyes. It shined out of them, it dripped all over everything around them. And Taron didn't notice. 

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