it's a beautiful morning and I woke up next to you

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Requested by laynna16 


(Y/N's POV)

I wake up with the most awful headache I've ever had. No, I'm not being dramatic. I have the highest pain threshold of anyone I know. Headaches don't bother me. 

Which is why when I roll over to my side to see my boyfriend grinning at me like a psychopath, I scowl at him. 

His face falls. "What's wrong love?" 

I groan and press my hand to my forehead. It comes back red hot. "My head hurts."

His frown disappears. He smiles mischievously. "Oh, I was worried it was something serious."

Now it's his turn to groan. I whack him on the head and glare at him. "Not funny. It really hurts."

Taron doesn't seem to care about my headache, because he just keeps grinning like a madman. He kisses my cheek and wraps his legs in-between mine, looking at me adoringly. I continue to glare at him as he rolls over on top of me, pressing kisses all over my face, his smile wide. This boy certainly is persistent, if anything. I allow him to shower me in kisses whilst laying there in pain. 

After about ten minutes of pecks on the cheek I grow bored and push him off me with yet another scowl. I reach for my robe and wrap it around me to protect my bare skin from the cold, pattering into the kitchen. Taron hops out of bed and skips after me. 

"Coffee." I mumble, pointing to the machine angrily, as if it has personally wronged me. 

Taron practically runs to the machine and puts it on. "Of course love."

I sit at the bar stools with my head in my hands, scowling at the bench while I wait. Taron walks around behind me and starts giving me a shoulder massage. I push his hands away and shake my head at him. He puts his hands up in a mock surrender, somehow still smiling. 

His pyjama bottoms are too long for him, they reach his ankles, and with every step he takes they get tugged, becoming dangerously close to falling down. I point this out to him and he smirks, making sure to step on it now he knows it annoys me.  

I roll my eyes just as the coffee machine pings. My eyes light up for the first time today. Taron raises his eyebrows, with yet another smile, and makes my coffee just the way I like it. Why is he so fucking cheerful?

"Because it's a beautiful morning and I woke up next to you." He smiles almost smugly. 


"You were talking to yourself again Y/N." He teases, stirring in my sugar. 

"It's a beautiful day? Really? That's a little corny don't you think." 

He shrugs, pushing the drink towards me. I sip my drink quietly, trying to ignore my pounding head. Taron takes a seat beside me and sips his own coffee. It's got way too much milk in it for my liking, and knowing him he probably filled it with sugar. It's probably too much to dissolve. However he sips it happily, somehow enjoying the sickening taste. 

I've finished my coffee within minutes, so I get up and rinse the mug out and put it in the dishwasher. I stumble over to the couch tiredly and collapse onto it facedown, moaning in pain. Taron puts his coffee down and jumps onto the couch next to me, almost landing on me. I screech and roll further onto the couch away from him, swatting him playfully. He rolls towards me and somehow manages to pick me up, whilst lying down, and lift me on top of him. I squirm to get off him, but he holds me tight, his eyes closed, swaying to some song in his head. I give up trying to get off him, and lay like a rag doll on top of him, my head on his chest, inhaling his scent. 

He puts his arms around me, and as much as I hate to admit it, this is the most comfortable I've been all day. 

Then he starts kissing my forehead again and I get annoyed. I roll off him with a grunt, and stand up, heading into the bathroom to take a piss. 

He scurries behind me again, and ignores my dirty look. 

"I need to take a piss." I say. "Go away."

He shakes his head. "I'm not leaving your side all day."

So I take a piss, staring him dead in the eye. The sound of my urine steadily streaming into the toilet is the only thing we hear. I'm waiting for him to crack, to look away. But the sound of my piss must be like motivation to him. He grins as I flush and wash my hands. 

"What is your problem?" I growl, walking away from him. "Can't you see I'm not in the mood for your antics today."

He lifts me from behind and spins me around, talking in a childish voice. "Because you're so grumpy. I know Y/N."

I swat at his hands. "Put. Me. Down." 

He obliges, and I thank him by not hitting him anymore. 

"I'm going back to bed."

"Do you want me to go pick up some Tylenol?" He asks, following me into the bedroom. 

"Sure, whatever." I flop into bed and immediately shut my eyes. "Shut the door on your way out."

And then he's gone. And I finally have some peace. 

Some time later, I am awoken by the intense feeling I'm being watched. I jolt up, my eyes darting wildly around the room. Taron sits up on his knees, so he's only about three feet tall and looks at me with a blank face. 

"What the fuck are you doing?"  

"I think I'm gonna be sick." He tries to say it like a small child waking their parents up in the middle of the night, but he can't control his laughter. He positively cackles at his own joke, and I sigh heavily. 

Dealing with Taron is like having a child sometimes. 

He stands up properly again, and jumps on top of me, showering me with more kisses, which I try and fail to deflect. he then proceeds to tickle me, his hands running up and down my sides and not in the way I like. 

"Taron!" I squeal, unable to stop laughing. He doesn't relent, until I am breathless. 

"F-fuck you." I wheeze, trying to control my breathing as he finally stops, grinning like a maniac. 

"Headache gone yet?" He asks. "Or do'ya want some Tylenol?"

I'm still panting, but I can tell that my headache is far from gone. "Tylenol."

He grins sheepishly. "Better go buy some then hadn't I?"

"I thought you just came back?"

"Yeah I did, but I forgot the Tylenol and got us donuts instead." He laughs easily, running out the room and returning seconds later with a dozen glazed donuts. 

"You really are something else Taron." I shake my head, reaching for a donut. 

We spend the day eating donuts until we feel sick and watching 90's Quentin Tarantino movies. Occasionally being interrupted by Taron tackling me and showering me with kisses to try and cheer me up. I neglect to tell him my headache was gone hours ago, just so he can keep kissing me. 

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