the girl next door to my best friend pt. 3

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lmao sorry this took some time my mother took my laptop away wtf ikr so mean anyway here it is! idk if I'll do a part four to this yet so I guess we'll see what kind of response this gets. 



The bell over the door to the coffee shop jingles merrily as Taron pushes it open, a rush of cold air escaping into the store briefly before he quickly shuts it. Inside the air is thick with warmth, and taking a breath in is an effort. Taron takes his gloves off and rubs his clammy hands as he approaches the end of the line for coffee. 

Latte or mocha?

He entertains the possibility of getting the mocha, but he knows he won't. He never does. He only ever entertains said possibility to feel like he has something in his life to control, to choose for himself rather than letting fate decide. 

It's his turn now. The barista looks tired and annoyed, even though it's only ten in the morning and likely the shop didn't open that long ago, it being a Sunday and all. 

"I'll have a regular latte please." He recites, pulling out his card. 



"Taron?" The voice comes from behind him. 

When he turns around he sees none other than Y/N, sitting at a small table by herself, nursing a cup of tea. She waves at him and as soon as he's paid for his drink he wanders over to where she sits. 

"Fancy seeing you here." She says with a smile. "Do sit with me. I've always thought it to be quite lonely having coffee with yourself."

Taron sits beside her, the chair squeaking loudly against the linoleum floor as he pulls it out. 

"What kind of tea is that?" He asks, though it's quite obvious to him already. 

Making conversation has never been his strong suit. He finds it quite meaningless and boring with most people, because most small talk is about utterly uninteresting things like the weather or current events. So it is for this exact reason that whenever he attempts it it never comes out quite right, hence, that question. 

Y/N chuckles. "It's just english breakfast. Though I did change it up a little bit and put a sugar in. I didn't quite feel like anything too strong today."

"Oh. Why's that?"

She shrugs. "I'm not too sure to be honest."

He nods and they fall into dreaded silence. If anything makes Taron squirm, it's silence; when no one can think of anything suitable to say, so they choose to just say nothing at all. 

"Regular latte for Taron?" The barista calls out, pushing his drink onto a counter at the end of the room. 

"Be right back." He says to Y/N, thankful for the distraction from the silence. 

He awkwardly half walks half jogs to the counter, grabs his drink, and half walks half jogs back to his seat, completely oblivious to how strange he looks. When Y/N starts to chuckle at him he scrunches up his face and asks what she's laughing at. 

"You." But she doesn't elaborate further than that. 

He laughs along with her, but only because the more he laughs the harder she does, and the sound of her laughter is music to his ears. When they stop, the silence that follows isn't awkward. It feels comfortable. The way they continue to just smile at each other after the laughter gives Taron a warm feeling inside. 

He's had girlfriends in the past, and of course he's felt a similar feeling to this. But nothing about this feeling is like those times to him. To him, this is an entirely new feeling. Magical, wonderful. He could think of a thousand words to describe the way she makes him feel, none of them good enough to accurately depict it. 

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