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I close my locker to see Taron Egerton staring confidently back at me, leaning casually against the lockers. 


It's been a year since I moved to this school, and every morning is the same. 

"Hello Taron." I smirk, hefting my bag onto my shoulder and stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jacket. 

He smiles easily. "How was your night?" 

"Not too bad. And yours?" 


This is when he runs out of things to say, and like every day he stands there smiling at me like an idiot. It's sweet, but very confusing. This boy makes it his routine to ask me how my night was every single morning? And that's pretty much the only thing we ever talk about. 

"What class do you have first?" I say, and he startles at my question, so used to the silence we normally sit in. 

"Uh, French I think." 

I raise an eyebrow. "You think?"

His cheeks flush slightly pink. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." 

I nod, suddenly understanding his awkward smiling when he runs out of things to say. Shit's tough. 

"So what's your first class?" He asks, doing my job for me now. 

"Psychology option." I answer, wishing my face would stop glowing. 

"You're in psychology?" His eyes shine. "That's so cool. So am I."

I stare at him. "Wait, you just said you have French though."

His cheeks go red. "Yeah, right I forgot, French is after lunch." He gives me an awkward thumbs up. 

I laugh just as the first bell rings. 

"Shall we then?" He says, holding his arm out like a gentleman. I take it and start walking to class with him. 

"So why have I never seen you in this class before Taron?" I ask as we walk. 

"Probably because today is my first day in it." He looks at me and grins. 

I roll my eyes, smiling. "You're going to get in trouble idiot."

"Small price to pay." He says quietly, and, like a fool, I blush again. 


just a really short cute one idk haha I like the idea of him being confident with his crush up until a point. 

taron egerton ~ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now