a box in a box in a box in a box

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that's all I have to say okay bye


Taron is sitting on the couch when I get home, his knee bouncing rapidly as he stares at his hands. I drop my bag heavily on the ground, alerting him of my presence. 


His head whips up and he smiles at me. "Hello love." 

The way he looks at me sends a tremor down my spine. His smile is relaxed, but his body is tensed up as if he is expecting someone to come barging into the apartment and shoot us both dead. 

"I have something to show you." 

He stands up and reaches for my hand, feet pattering lightly up the stairs as he leads me to our bedroom. The door is closed, and he halts before it, looking at me as he squeezes my hand tightly. 

He hesitates as if he is about to say something or tell me something revolutionary, but he must decide against it because he simply pushes the door open and steps back as I walk inside. 

Sitting on the bed is a white box, about four times the size of a shoe box, with a red bow resting on top. I look at him questioningly, but he just gestures to it with a nervous grin. The box is deep, and when I lift the lid all I see is pale pink tissue paper. Hands cold and shaking slightly for some reason, I lift back the paper to see another box. Exhaling briefly, and stealing another quick glance at Taron, I lift the lid of this new box only to be met with another one. 

"What are you playing at?" I ask, trying to sound stern to hide my butterflies. 

He must have lost his ability to speak, because he simply smiles widely and shrugs, pointing again to the box. 

Shaking my head slightly, I lift the lid again. I cover my mouth with a hand, staring at its contents in shock, hands shaking more than before, my throat dry. Tears prick my eyes, and I look at him as he takes the last small box from inside and gets down on one knee before me, smiling sweetly. 

He opens the box, exposing the beautiful ring that sits comfortably atop a pure white pillow. In the afternoon light, the diamond shines brightly, almost distracting me from Taron's pleased expression. He grasps my hand tightly and swallows. 

"(y/n) (y/l/n). For three years now I have had the pleasure of calling you mine. And yet that isn't enough for me. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, I want to grow old with you, to raise a family with you. I want to be with you through the ups and the downs, I want to hold your hand every day and hold you close at night. So I'm asking you now, (y/n), will you marry me?" 

The tears threaten to spill now, and I attempt to control my breathing before answering. It takes a minute, and I laugh with him as I start to calm down. 

"Yes." I manage, beaming. "I will marry you."

His smile shows relief, as he carefully grasps my shaking hand and slides the ring onto it. He stands, blocking the glaring afternoon sun from my vision, as he connects his lips with my own, and I can feel his smile atop my own. 

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