butterflies and pink cheeks pt. 1

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hey guys! It's been a bit since I last updated this simply because this last couple weeks have been super busy for me. I updated more in finals week if that puts things into perspective for you hahaha. Anyway, this is a random oneshot I wrote a while ago in the early stages of this book I just forgot to post. I will get to your requests in the next week so please stay patient and if you have any more requests, please send them in! 

enjoy! <3


𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬

(this is a highschool au, loosely based off what I would have done with my crush if I had the balls)

For as long as I have attended this school, I have been hopelessly, head over heels in love with a boy in the grade above me who goes by the name Taron Egerton. 

I first saw him at the end my first day. I was standing outside the school waiting for my dad to pick me up. My first impression of him was that he looked exactly as I imagined my favourite book character. I'm only now starting to realize that assumption was entirely wrong. The only reason I thought that was because of his height and hair colour, which is extremely generic and certainly would fit hundreds of thousands of boys. But pretty early on I started to ignore that fact, and instead started falling in love with him

I started off staring at him, blatantly, whenever he walked the halls by my locker. Then I would proceed to get slightly more obsessed with him and find his social media, follow him, and then get high on excitement when he followed me back. It was as if he has declared his love for me, when in fact he was probably just being polite. 

But then I learned one crucial fact: He plays bass guitar. 

I started noticing him at the weekly school assembly's where he played in the band. I would stare at him, transfixed, as his fingers played complicated tunes with ease and his hair flopped slightly over his eyes. I was fascinated. 

After about the fifth assembly in which I stared at him, my friend had had enough. 

"Why don't you just talk to him Y/N?" 

I scoff under my breath, still staring at him play. "Easier said than done. Have you seen me talk to boys? It never ends well."

She huffs and crosses her arms, frustrated. "Well, then you have no one else but yourself to blame."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You can't expect him to fall in love with you if you've literally, never exchanged words before."

I frown slightly. "What would you have me say? He's in a different year, we don't have any classes together. We have absolutely nothing in common."

"Just say hi."

I actually laugh at that. The thought is just so ridiculous. "Yeah right."

"Look at me Y/N." She says, and I oblige. "I'm sick of hearing your woeful, lovesick comments about. 'Oh poor me, he'll never love me.' Either suck it up and talk to him, or shut the hell up about it."

I stare at her in shock, but she isn't done. 

"So if you want some legitimate advice from me?" I nod emphatically and she continues. "Go ask him to teach you how to play bass. Common ground there is your shared interest in the instrument. Even if you don't give a shit about it, pretend. Then he'll have no choice but to spend time with you. Done. You're welcome."

At the time, that was a lot for me to deal with. I spent a good few weeks pondering the suggestion, thinking about the pros and cons. 

Pros: He talks to me. I talk to him. I learn an instrument at the same time which is cool. He might do that super cute thing where he moves my fingers into the right spot. He might fall in love with me. 

An awful lot of them were 'mights'.

Cons: I can't speak properly and don't even make it past asking him. He says no. I make a fool out of myself. He starts to hate me once he gets to know me. He becomes my enemy. He tells everyone I suck and then all the guys are put off me. He realizes I never wanted to learn the play it. Other people catch on and also want to learn so I never get that one on one time with him. 

The cons list was much longer than the pros to say the least. 

And yet, the simple thought that maybe, just maybe, it might work, was enough for me. 

So I decided to grow the fuck up and just do it. 

(A few days after making that decision)

My hands are clammy. My hair clings desperately to the back of my neck, no matter how much I pull it away. My heart is speeding so fast I wonder if I'm not actually having a minor heart attack. But all the same I continue to walk up to where he stands alone, on his phone, completely zoned out to the fact that a girl is fast approaching him. 

I stop when I am a foot away from him, staring at him dumbly. It would appear I have forgotten how to speak. Taron looks up from his phone idly and sees me standing there. I can't read his expression, but he must be confused because he says to me:

"Can I help you?"

I swallow nervously, and clear my throat. "Yeah."

He stares at me, waiting for me to tell him what I want. I swallow again but my throat goes dry within seconds. 

"You play the bass guitar right?" I ask, pretending I haven't been watching him play for months already.

He nods. "Yeah."

I swallow for a third time. "I'm interested in learning, and I was wondering if you could teach me?"

I say it very fast, it takes him a second to register what I'm asking. My cheeks burn and I can imagine the exact shade of pink they're probably glowing right now. Taron smiles at me for the first time which normally I would melt under, but it just makes my cheeks glow even more. I feel sick from butterflies. I swear if he does that again I'll pass out. 

"I would be happy to..." He trails off, searching for my name. 

"Y/N." I finish for him, trying to smile back at him. It turns out as more of a grimace though. 

More blushing. 

He pulls out his phone and starts typing on it again. He must be finished with this conversation. I stand like a fool again wondering if I should just walk away while I have success. Just as I'm about to though he hands me his phone. He had made up a contact for me. 

"Put your number in here and I'll message you the times I'm free." He says with a slight grin that makes my knees wobble beneath me. 

I reach for the phone, trying desperately to ignore the fact that they are shaking big time. It takes me a few attempts, but I successfully enter my number and hand it back to him. His fingers brush mine lightly and my cheeks flare up again. I quickly lower my hand and put it in my pocket. 

He puts his phone into his pocket without looking; his eyes are on me. 

"I have a class now, Y/N, but I'll see you 'round yeah?" He says quietly and with a soft smile. 

I nod, breathless, smiling back at him. 

"And I'll text you, tonight." He adds, as he walks backwards in the direction of his next class. 

"Perfect!" I call, and promptly turn away and rush back to my locker, frowning to myself. 

Perfect? Why the hell did I say that? Eager much. 

But even with that weird, eager finale to our first ever conversation, I feel accomplished. I talked to my crush, without making too much of a fool out of myself, and even got him to ask for my number. Not that he's interested in me. But still. 


part two??

I could do Taron's POV and background or continue the story. lmk


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