another soulmate au pt. 2

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hehe this was fun to write so enjoy


It's the afternoon. I just finished my shift at work. Although today wasn't my finest work. The boy didn't escape my mind for a single moment. My cheeks were flushed so bad my co-worker thought I was coming down with something. I assured her I'm fine, really, and went back to daydreaming. 

I haven't felt butterflies this intense in years, thanks to the single thought that keeps crossing my mind every three seconds. What if he's the one? What if he's my soulmate? 

I blush again, laughing at myself. Slapping my cheeks briskly I mutter to myself. "Calm the fuck down." 

I'm in the park across the street from the coffee store. The park bench is cool against my exposed thighs. I stare at my phone, at the contact I made the second I got to work. 

Should I call like he asked? Or text? Play hard to get or straight up go for it? 

I sigh nervously. These things are much too difficult for my liking. 

I make up my mind and open messenger. If I think too much I'll chicken out, so I type my message quickly and hit send before I can even check for typos. 

me: hey, it's the girl from this morning. 

Within seconds I have a reply. 

possible soulmate: hey :))

I bite my lip anxiously, unsure what to say now. Thankfully he speaks for me. 

possible soulmate: You want to get a drink? 

I grin at my phone like an idiot and reply quickly, as I walk across the road to the coffee shop. He stands at the entrance with his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall. He smiles when he sees me and holds out a hand for me to shake. 

"I don't believe we've properly met. My name is Taron."

I take his hand, hoping mine isn't sweaty. "Y/n."

I catch a glimpse of his arm, seeing a long line of words written on them. My heart sinks. I don't remember what my first thought was when I saw him, but surely it wasn't that long. Taron notices my slight frown and holds his arm out for me to properly see. 

'Who the fuck is that? Where's Noah? He never fucks my order up, this guy better not.'

I feel my body go clammy as I recognise the words on his arm. Of course I don't remember that, I was thinking about Noah when I looked at him. 

"Jesus Christ." I laugh. "That's a bit harsh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to. And your words were so kind aw fuck."

I look at my arm. 'Well goddamn.'

Taron smirks at me. "Who says that was meant to be nice?"

Every second I spent with this boy makes me more and more comfortable. I smack his arm playfully as he chuckles. 

"What about that drink then?" I laugh awkwardly, wishing I could have rehearsed this in my head beforehand. 

He offers his arm out and I take it. "Sounds lovely." 

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