ladders are great

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this was written really badly sorry ahah but it's a cute concept. 


"A little to the left." Taron says from the ground.

I lean to the side and, balancing on my toes, hang the small Christmas decoration we bought that morning. It's a small wooden wreath painted in deep greens and bright reds, with small jewels all over the surface area.

I stare down at him. "This good?"

He doesn't answer straight away. "Turn around, lift it about half a centimetre."

I do as he says, but he isn't satisfied. "Higher, really reach up."

I strain to get it as high as I can, but there's only so much I can do. "Taron it won't go any higher. Why don't you give it a try?"

"No!" He says adamantly. "You can do it, just keep on trying."

I feel his eyes on me as I groan and stand dangerously close to falling off the ladder, reaching. "I'm going to fall Taron."

"No you're not, I'd catch you." He says, and I can hear the smugness.

"Why do you even want it this high? It's ridiculous we won't even see it." I say, glaring at him.

He grins and shrugs. "Why not?"

Shaking my head, I climb down the ladder. "That's it. You want it higher, do it yourself." I hand him the decoration with a stern look.

"No no no no no please y/n." He pleads, making his bottom lip tremble. "Please?"

I shake my head at him in confusion, but take the decoration from him and climb the ladder again.

I force it to go as high as I can possibly make it, and look down at Taron for approval. "Good?"

"To the right slightly. It's off centre."

I do as he says, aware of his eyes on me. I whip my head around to catch him off guard, only to find him, and really I'm not surprised, staring at my ass.

"Ah!" I gasp, laughing as he blushes. "You fucking perv, staring at my ass!"

I jump down and stare him in the eye as he slowly grins. "What? It's a compliment."

I smack his arm lightly, scolding him. "Did you even want the decoration there?"

He shrugs and I smack him again. "Not really."

"Then fix it you idiot." I try to look stern, but he makes that very difficult. I smile against my will.

He reaches up and fixes it without even stepping on the ladder, it hangs above the couch pleasantly. He steps towards me and smirks, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asks sweetly, fluttering his eyes at me.

I wrap an arm around his neck and bring him closer to me, smiling softly. "You want a kiss?"

He nods, starting to lean in.

I stick my hand up to his lips and push him away, tutting. I raise an eyebrow and spin on my heels, walking away.

He whines from the living room but I just laugh at him. 

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