another soulmate au pt. 1

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~ soulmate au where your tattoo says the first thing your soulmate thought when they first saw you ~

stolen from promptsfordays on tumblr


I practice my order under my breath as I stand in line at the coffee store near my house. I'm early today, which means I can take my time with my drink. I order the exact same thing every day, and yet I still worry I'll mess up my order or something will go wrong and I'll look like a fool. The tattoo on my arm catches my eye, and I stare down at the words written there, finding comfort in them. 

'Well goddamn.'

I always liked to think that was thought in a good way, but clearly, it could be taken any way. The words are written in deep black ink, in a beautiful cursive font. And, not for the first time, I wonder when I'll finally meet them. 

I shuffle forwards, as the next person reaches the counter. I'm next after them, so I frantically go over my order once more, staring at the man in front of me's back furiously. From an outsider's perspective, I must look like a nutter. I don't really care though, better than screwing up my order. 

The man moves to the side and I step forward, lifting my head. I see a man my age standing where the usual boy is. 

'Who the fuck is that? Where's Noah? He never fucks my order up, this guy better not.'

We stare at each other for a split second longer than polite before I slap my twenty dollar bill on the counter and perfectly recite my order. I watch him carefully as he writes it down on the cup, taking a little longer than he should, and gives me my change. He passes my cup to the barista. 

"Have a nice day!" He says warmly, his green eyes shining in the crisp morning light. 

"You too." 

I stand to the side and watch him as he takes more orders. According to his name tag, his name is Taron. His light brown hair seems to shine as he stands in direct sunlight, seemingly not bothered by its light. He smiles at every customer politely and makes no mistakes. 

I tilt my head as I stare, biting the inside of my cheek in curiosity. My confusion as to where Noah is has disappeared. Something about this Taron boy has me intrigued. 


My name is called and I reach for my coffee, taking my eyes off the boy for a split second, before choosing a table in the corner of the shop and pretending to stare at my phone. I sip my drink idly, scrutinizing Taron's every move. The line eventually dies down, Taron stands bored by the till, meticulously organizing the gift vouchers. 

Until his head snaps up and he grins at me. I blush furiously but don't take my eyes away. He points at my cup and I look down at it, thinking maybe I spilt something next to it. Instead of seeing coffee all over the table, however, I see black sharpie words written small next to the order. Well, it's mostly numbers. 

+1 587 --- --91 

call me - Taron ;)

Somehow my blush deepens and I look back up at him, only to see him serving another customer, his smile brighter than before. When he's finished he steals a look my way, winks, and starts organizing the vouchers again. 

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