mama needs advice

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I"m writing an original novel. I have been for over a year now and I am absolutely nowhere near finishing because this shit takes ages oh my god hahaha

however I have been making mood boards for it and playlists which has helped. But recently I made some covers for the book for if I ever publish it here or in real life (fingers crossed hehe)

I made heaps, but I've narrowed it down to five covers and since you guys are really sweet I was wondering if you could help me narrow it down further by voting for your favourite one. You can vote for two if you want lmao I just wanna narrow it down. 

The book is called The Circle btw and for a bit more background it's set in a dystopian world but it's not futuristic, they stuck to older traditions and style of things. So the royal palace, where most of the first book will be set, if traditional style and so is the clothing :))

So! Here they are! just comment your numbers below or at each point comment next to it. 

[edit: the quality fucked up SO bad after I published this so just try ignore the grainy parts it's much sharper idk what tf if wrong with wattpad sorry haha]



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I think atm my favourite ones are 1 and 4 but pls let me know yours!

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I think atm my favourite ones are 1 and 4 but pls let me know yours!

thanks hehe <33

[edit again haha:]


but this one is way better than the others here it is:

but this one is way better than the others here it is:

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lmk if you like it ig hehe

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