Chapter 8

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Mina slung her backpack over her shoulder and proceeded to follow the throngs of people towards the door. The class had finally ended. The only thing she had on her mind was getting back to her dorm and getting a quick nap. Not that she would ever admit it to him, but had it not been for Jungkook's good morning messages, she would have slept through her alarm again. It was becoming a habit and she wasn't sure if it was her brain trying to help her out of her 8am class or not. 

The high pitch laugh that reminded her of tinkling bells filled her ears. She didn't want to cut her eyes to the side. Mina didn't want to see the blonde hair, the large brown eyes or the blinding smile. She knew them too well and they caused her heart to seize in her chest. Despite pressing her nails as hard into her palms as she could, nothing could distract her from the familiar sound. Her attention slowly gravitated to Sunny. 

"You know my dorm is a single now, you should come by and study with me," she said. Her arms were draped around the source of Mina's predicament. Had Jiyong never came into the picture, Mina would still occupy the single bed across from Sunny's. Had he never opened his big dumb mouth, she would still have her best friend. But he had. And she was alone. 

Sunny must have felt Mina's eyes staring holes into her. She glanced over at the smaller girl and sneered. Before she could hear whatever toxic or vile thing that was resting on the tip of Sunny's tongue, Mina turned and pushed her way through the crowd. The high pitch laugh followed her coupled with a deeper laugh that she didn't have to turn to know who it came from. 

Tears filled her eyes when she finally got to her dorm. Her eyes raked over the bare walls. There was so much blame to be given and realistically she knew it wasn't Jungkook's fault.. but that didn't stop her from blaming him. If she didn't lay part of the blame at his feet, it would go to Sunny and she couldn't do that. Even after every cruel thing she had said, Mina loved her. 

The ding from her phone pulled her from her thoughts. 


Don't have you on Snapchat but I wanted to share

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Don't have you on Snapchat but I wanted to share

Block Jungkook? 

Yes or No? 

Contact blocked

Mina laid her head back against her bed. That was one problem taken care of. She was one step closer to putting the whole thing behind her. 


Message failed to send

Jungkook frowned down at his phone. "Hey Jimin, what does it mean when a message won't send no matter how many times you retry it?" 

"You were blocked," he said. 

The three boys stared at each other in the practice room before Taehyung threw himself onto the floor beside Jungkook. "No way! She blocked you?" He grabbed for the phone. 

Jungkook held it out to his other side away from him. "No. I'm sure she just had service issues or something." 

Jimin swiftly snatched the phone while Taehyung laid across Jungkook to keep him from getting up. "One way to find out," he said. A devious smile rested on his lips while he forwarded the contact to both himself and Taehyung. He tossed the phone back to Jungkook's lap and ran from the room. 

Taehyung bolted as well with Jungkook on his heels. 

"Don't you dare text her! Neither of you are allowed!" 

He gave up running after them when they locked themselves in one of the empty rooms. He scrolled back up through the conversation he'd had with Mina to try to figure out what he had said wrong. She had finally started to come around, or so he thought, and then out of nowhere she blocked him. Clearly something had happened. 

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