Chapter 30

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Sunny leaned against the hood of her car. Her phone was in her hand and the blue light from the screen contrasted against her face. Mina let out a breath in the front seat of Jungkook's car as they pulled to a stop in the Inn parking lot. She didn't look up until Mina was out of the vehicle. 

She stood there for a minute and looked at Sunny. It was hard to believe that the same person who had welcomed her to a new school, taken her under her wing, and spent countless hours with her was the same one who had wrecked her self confidence and now stood in front of her. She looked almost bored and completely unbothered. 

"You going to speak or just stare at me? Not that you haven't done that enough over the years," Sunny sneered at her over the phone. 

It was like a slap to the face for Mina. Even before, she hadn't thrown something so callus at her. "I won't bother asking if you've done all of..." she paused and held her hand out to gesture to Mark putting his bags in his car. "This. I know it was all you. I know you took my phone. I know you texted Jungkook. I know you threw yourself at him before that and sent Mark here to try to distract me after. I already know. What I don't know, however, is why. Why go through all the trouble?" Mina blinked back fresh tears that threatened to spill over and cloud her vision. 

Sunny rolled her eyes. "Tell me you're not about to cry. Honestly? Alright, I'll play along with you like you don't really know. You just had to have everything in school. Top scores, head of the class, early acceptance letters to everywhere you applied, the whole nine yards. My parents paid for me to get into Uni, but you? Oh, you turned down ivy leagues in America to graciously stay with me. How sweet.  You just had to rub it in my face that you had been accepted there!" Her words were dripping in venom meant to wound Mina. 

She smaller girl let her mouth fall open in shock. "What are you even talking about? I busted my ass for those scores. I worked tirelessly to stay on top of everything. And I didn't' go to America because my family couldn't afford it. Yeah, I didn't want to leave my best friend, so sue me." She threw her hands up in exasperation. It was like they remembered to different events. 

"As if! I introduced you to my favorite band and suddenly they were your favorite group as well! It wasn't enough that  you took everyone's attention with your brilliant answers to every single question in class, but you had to take my favorite group as well?" Sunny raised her voice as she pointed behind Mina to where the guys were standing. "You didn't even know them before me!" 

"I thought you were introducing me to them so that we would have something in common! We related more because we were both fond of them. I didn't know you felt that way," Mina explained quietly. "I thought it was a bonding experience for us." 

Sunny scoffed and threw her arms up. "I wasn't finished! You stole my spot in school, you went to the same Uni as me and now you're even talking to my bias! He wasn't even your bias! You liked Suga, not Jungkook. Not that you even deserve him. I mean look at you," she sneered again. "You don't work out, you're just naturally small. You don't bother with applying makeup and turn up to class looking half dead. I spend hours getting ready. I have my hair and nails done every other week. When was the last time you stepped into a salon? You don't deserve him." 

It was Mina's turn to be outraged. She opened her mouth to refute the claims or at least explain how dumb that sounded but was cut off by the gasps behind her. She looked back to see Tae leaning on Jimin with his hand over his heart. Jimin closed his eyes and threw his head back with the back of his hand pressed to his forehead. Jungkook blinked several times with a shocked expression. 

"Yoongi? Seriously? THAT was your bias?" he asked. 

"The betrayal!" Jimin shouted. 

"Stay tuned for the top ten anime betrayals that will never rival that coming up next," Tae groaned. 

Mina bit back a laugh. Leave it to them to turn a serious moment into a joke. She shook her head before glancing back at Sunny. "Yeah, you're right. You put more effort into your appearance than I do. That doesn't cover up your personality though. You knew how I felt about you for years and you strung me along. Want to talk about my scores? You weren't' complaining when I was doing over half your assignments for you. Did I go to your Uni? Yeah, you begged me not to leave you alone. Didn't stop you from humiliating me and dropping me flat of my butt when a guy came along and actually gave you attention. This doesn't change anything. It never will. I can't do this anymore though. I'm done, Sunny," she paused to take a breath. It needed to be said but that didn't stop the sting of it. "We're done. Don't text me. Don't call me. Don't show up at my dorm. We're not friends, you made sure of that. I don't want to talk to you again. Please leave. The parking is reserved for guests, and you are certainly not welcome here." 

Sunny openly glared at her for a moment before pushing off her car and throwing the door open. "That won't be a problem. I don't know why I ever wasted my time on someone so pathetic to begin with." She slammed the door shut behind her. 

"Have a nice life," Mina whispered. She felt a large hand close over her shoulder. She was going to be just fine. 


Say it with me loves: C L O S U R E 

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