Chapter 7

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Mina's eyes were having trouble staying open. At the front of the lecture hall her professor went on and on in the most monotone voice she had ever heard, short of the Clear Eyes commercials that used to interrupt her cartoons as a kid. She pressed a hand to her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. No one around her looked up. The urge to share the revelation was pressing but she couldn't think of anyone who would either get the joke or find as funny as she did. 

She raised her phone and took a quick video lasting all of thirty-four seconds. It was just long enough to capture her professor's voice without drawing too much attention to herself. She quickly hit send on the video then pulled up the commercial she had in mind and forwarded it as well. 








This is torture! 


Is that seriously your professor?? 




And you're texting in his class? 

What if he makes you stay behind to listen to him talk again? 😂


Oh shit

I didn't think of that


Mina slipped her phone back under the table into her pocket. She wasn't exactly sure why she had thought to share her joke with Jungkook but after several days of texting, it hadn't struck her as weird. It wasn't like she had other friends to message. She frowned at the thought. He wasn't her friend either. Just someone who bugged her until she replied to him. 


Jungkook flipped his phone between his fingers with a large smile on his face. Not only had he found the videos to be funny, but Tae and Jimin had laughed when he showed them as well. It didn't go unnoticed that she had text him first. A soft laugh left his lips. She was coming around. 

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