Chapter 20

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Two weeks had passed since the photos had gone viral. Two weeks had passed since Mina had heard from Jungkook. The first week had been excruciatingly boring. With nothing to do but focus on her school work, she had already completed her half of her project with Sunny and most of her assignments for the semester. 

The second week had been more interesting for her. With Sunny showing up at least once a day, sometimes more, she found herself slipping back into a comfortable routine of being around her. It wasn't a feeling she had expected to ever feel again, but she smiled when her door opened and Sunny stepped in with a bag of take out. 

"Thirteen minutes in line for a burger, can you believe that?" She set the bags down and continued her grumbling. "Then when I was leaving I was almost trampled by some kid who couldn't bother looking up from his phone. The nerve of people, I swear!" 

Mina glanced up from her own phone and couldn't help but to laugh. It had always amused her how easily frustrated Sunny was when it came to having to wait. The girl had no patience. 

"Yeah well you're back in one piece so you survived," she teased. 

The text tone went off from her phone as she watched Sunny separate their food from the bag. 


Good moooooorning Minaaaa

Mina stared down at her phone for several seconds before hastily typing out a reply. It had been at least two weeks since she had heard from any of them and he was texting her so casually. She angled the phone towards her body so that Sunny wouldn't see if she looked over. 


Hey... now isn't a good time.

Text you in a bit? 


Actually, I was texting to let you know that I'm stopping by. 

See you in ten. 





Incoming Call from Taehyung

Accept or Decline


AN: What's she gonna do? Answer or decline? Let's be real, declining a call from Tae would not stop him from showing up. 

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