Chapter 33

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Mina settled into the couch in the living room with a bowl of popcorn. The day had been spent getting the spare room set up for the scenes Hoseok wanted to film. It wouldn't be until the next day that the filming actually happened which meant they were free for the night. 

Even though he was the only one in the music video, the other guys had all stuck with him to offer their support. Tae had kept a careful watch on the angles of the video. Jin had touched up the room as much as possible to make it look more like an actual set. While Namjoon and Yoongi took care of the audio playing and made sure the vocals came through clean, Jimin went through wardrobe changes. Jungkook had helped set up the bed and lights for the actual shoot. It was impressive to watch them all work together to support Hoseok and make sure his video looked perfect. 

It also meant that they were all pretty tired by the end of the night. After eating dinner together, they had agreed on watching a movie before bed. There were bodies laying almost everywhere in the small living room. Jungkook had taken the seat next to Mina on the couch with Tae and Jimin crammed on the other side. It didn't leave her a lot of room and pushed her closer to Jungkook. He laid his arm across the back of her shoulders and pulled her in so that she had more room against him. 

"What are we watching?" Hoseok asked. "Something funny, please. I won't be awake much longer and I don't want to have nightmares." 

"You're in a room with me tonight and I don't want to hear you screaming so no horror," Yoongi agreed. 

Jin and Namjoon had been stuck in a room together across the hall from Mina. Yoongi and Hosek had taken the room Mark was previously in while the three youngest had the room on the other side of hers.

"I'm feeling Disney," Namjoon interjected. It was the safest bet as far as something they would all agree on and no one would be scared. 

"I think we have The Little Mermaid," Mina offered. She knew there was a copy. She had bought the VHS, a copy on DVD, and a Bluray copy. It had been her favorite movie as a kid, not that she was about to offer up that information. 

"Little Mermaid it is," Jin smiled. He popped the DVD in and took one of the recliners next to Yoongi. Namjoon leaned forward and pressed play. He was laying on a pillow on the floor next to Hoseok. There wasn't much room to walk but everyone looked comfortable. 

It was hard to stay focused on the movie with his fingers absently stroking her arm. Only once she shivered from the slight contact did he chuckle and stop. "Sorry," he whispered. His voice brushed her hair against her ear causing her to shiver again. 

Mina elbowed him in the side and pulled away. "Behave yourself," she warned. They were in a living room filled with his bandmates. The last thing she wanted was to get embarrassed. It wasn't lost on her that her own family was somewhere in the house. He smiled and pulled her back against him. 

"Alright, no need for violence," he laughed. It was easy for her to settle back into him. The soft cotton of his tee-shirt was warm from his body heat. It didn't take long for him to become engrossed in the movie again. His fingers absently played with her hair as her eyelids slowly drifted shut. 

Tae was the first to notice. He glanced over to see Mina laid against Jungkook with her mouth partially open and her eyes shut. He pulled his phone out and took a quick photo before turning it around to show Jungkook and Jimin. "Might want to put her to bed. Her neck is going to be stiff tomorrow if she sleeps like that." 

Jungkook stood slowly and wrapped his arm around Mina's shoulders to keep her from falling over. His other arm went behind her knees to scoop her up and hold her against him. Several of the guys cooed as he made his way up the stairs. She didn't stir even when he tucked her into her bed and pressed his lips to the top of her head. 

Jungkook turned to leave the room and almost bumped into Mrs. Kim. His cheeks dusted with light pink. "Mrs. Kim, I'm sorry! I just brought Mina up because she was falling asleep and I didn't want -- " 

He was cut off by the older woman laughing softly. She held her hand out to him and shook her head. "It's alright. I know. I just wanted to check in on her. It's not often she comes home and a mother never stops worrying for their babies." Her eyes softened as she peered around him to see Mina snuggled into her pillow. There was a small smile on her face. 

"She looks happy. Thank you for that," she left him standing in the doorway as she shuffled back down the hall quietly. 

He glanced back at Mina and smiled. "I should be thanking you," he whispered, "for giving me another chance and not slamming the door in my face." As much as he wanted to stand there and make sure she slept through the night, he was aware that would be weird. Moreso when the other guys came up the hall. Tae caught one of his arms while Jimin took the other. They snatched him through the door and closed it behind them. 

"None of that in this divine household, young man," Tae chided. 

"I wasn't doing anything!" he protested. 

"Just watching our little dove like a creep," Jimin teased. 

"You two are going to have to drop that eventually," Jungkook argued. 

"Not a chance. We're adopting her. She's ours. You aren't good enough for her," Tae said. 

Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw himself on the bed in their room. "Yeah? And who is?" 

Tae crossed his arms and looked at Jimin with a raised eyebrow. 

"No one," Jimin said. 

"Not a soul," Tae agreed. 

They were cut off by Jin opening the door and glaring at them. "Bed. Now. We have a long day tomorrow and I won't be fighting you three out of bed." They couldn't help but laugh when he closed the door behind him. 

It felt like they were back in the dorms. 


I don't know when the last time I wrote a fluffy chapter was... I am so out of practice as you can tell. 

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