Chapter 34

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The shooting hadn't taken long. Mina had gotten to watch most of it from behind the guys who were gathered around behind the camera to offer input. It was the first time she had ever seen any of them perform in any way other than videos. The process had been baffling at first but Jungkook explained step by step what they were doing to her. 

She nodded along like she understood half the terms he used. "Right, angles and lighting," she agreed. He booped her nose and grinned. 


It was just after lunch when they had finished shooting the couple scenes that Hoseok wanted to be shot in the room. Mina picked at her nails while the guys helped to break down the equipment. She didn't want to get in their way so she hung back in the dining room. The house was filled with the sounds of them laughing and playing around even though they were working. 

Jungkook stopped inside the room and leaned over the back of her chair. His head dangled in front of her as he smiled. "Why the long face?" he asked. 

It was hard to pout with his face so close to hers. She dropped her hands and returned his smile. The corners of her lips lifted up slowly before she laughed. "It's nothing," she said and slipped out of her chair. "I was just thinking that I might have to go back tonight instead of tomorrow so that I can finish up my project. I doubt my partner is going to be much help now." Her shoulders lifted in a half-hearted shrug. 

Jungkook straightened and wrapped his hands around her shoulders to turn her body towards his. "Listen, we're pretty much done here. I can give you a ride back myself that way we can spend a little more time together before you cut your break short. How does that sound?" He lifted a brow hopefully at her. It wasn't just an offer to help her out, but he wanted to spend more time with her as well. 

"You're sure it won't be an inconvenience?" she asked. Mina wasn't thrilled about the idea of riding a bus back but she didn't want to be a burden either. 

"Promise," he smiled down at her. 

Within an hour her bags were packed and she was hugging her family goodbye. The guys crowded around the door to thank the Kims again for letting them use the Inn as a location. "Drive safe, don't go too fast, wear a seatbelt, and text me as soon as you make it back," her mother said. Her arms were wrapped tightly around Mina and showed no sign of letting go. 

"Keep up with your studies but don't forget to have fun," her father said. He managed to peel her mother's arms away to replace them with his own. "We're proud of you but make sure you take care of yourself too." 

Her younger brother hung back until their father had finished. As quickly as he hugged Mina, he released her. "Don't jump out of windows." 

They followed her to the door waving as Jungkook placed her bag in the backseat and helped her into the front. Tae and Jimin hadn't been thrilled to have to ride back with the others but they quit arguing when Jin threatened to take them by the ears and drag them back. 

"Any music preference?" Jungkook asked after he started the car. 

Mina pretended to think it over for a moment. "I don't know... do you know BTS?" 

"Ah... I might be a little familiar with them," he grinned. 

He spent the drive back singing every song for her and dancing along to the parts that didn't endanger them of having an accident. The second cd was finishing as he pulled into the parking lot of her dorm. His hand was on the door handle when Mina grabbed his arm. 

"Wait!" He looked back at her startled. "Your mask," she frowned. 

He laughed but pulled the black piece of fabric from his pocket and slipped it on. "Better?" he asked. 

"I can't see your face so no, but I guess it'll have to do," she smiled back at him. He took her bag and helped her out. He kept one hand braced on her bag as he helped her up to her room. 

Mina paused outside her room after getting it unlocked. There was no one else in the hallway since most people on her floor hadn't returned from their break early. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" he asked. 

Mina curled her nose and shook her head. "You'll distract me and I won't get anything done." 

He acted offended for half a second before snickering. "Yeah, probably. Who wouldn't get distracted with this face around?" He tugged the mask down to show off his jawline and pose. 

Mina rolled her eyes but had a hard time looking away. "The blind," she said seriously which earned her a loud laugh from him. 

"Well you're not blind, are you?" he leaned in closer to her and dropped her bag inside the door. As he straightened up, he dipped his head down to kiss her cheek. "Good luck studying," he mumbled before pressing his lips to hers. 

Mina stood in the doorway in shock for several minutes. She watched him walk down the hall and into the elevator. He smiled cheekily at her as he waved right before the elevator doors closed. 

"Brat," Mina muttered to herself. 

She spent several hours going over her notes for class and putting together her presentation. On a whim, she even did the part that had been assigned to Sunny just in case but she didn't put it in the Google Doc. She was no longer the type of person to do someone else's work for them to get them to like her. She had more worth than that. 

The computer powered down after she saved the last of her work. She slid it off her bed onto the floor and reached for her phone. 

One New Message


Hey Mina, I forgot to ask you something.


What would that be? 


Are you ARMY? 

She smiled at her phone for several seconds before typing out a response. 


Yes 😍😍


And we're done! Thank you so much for finishing this. I know there were long periods without updates and I apologize for that. This has been so much fun to write and I hope you enjoyed it! 

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