Chapter 13

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"Alright class, settle down," the professor's nasally monotone voice came from the front of the room. "Today you'll be getting your partners for the project due at the end of the semester. Don't worry, I've already assigned them so you don't have to pick one yourself." 

He pulled a paper from his bag and began pairing people up. Mina bounced the end of her pen against her notebook as she waited for him to get to her name. 

"Kim Mina and Lee Soonyi," he said. He continued going down the list as though he hadn't just single handedly ruined Mina's day, her week, her month, and her entire semester. She would have to work with Sunny on a project that would determine half her grade. Her eyes snapped to back of the room where the girl sat. As usual Sunny was leaned across her boyfriend and barely paying attention to what the professor was saying. Instead of the normal bored expression, she was openly glaring at Mina. It seemed Mina wasn't the only one who wasn't happy about the partner assignment. 

"I'll expect weekly progress reports every Friday so that I know you aren't slacking off or that one person is doing all of the work. Should that be the case, one of you will pass my class and the other will be in the same desk next semester." 

Mina rolled her eyes and dropped her head down onto her desk. She slipped her phone out to send a quick text. 



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class that bad? 


Just found out that our end of term project is with a partner... 


OOh, who did you choose? 

Someone fun? 


I didn't get to choose... 


Someone chose you? 


No. He partnered us up. 

My professor did. 


Uh oh. This doesn't sound good. 


It's not... 




Voldemort herself. 


I think I would prefer Voldy. 




You've got this! 

It's going to be okay! 



She's going to be so lazy!


We can always run her over with a tour bus

Tae agreed

So did Jimin

Jin said no


Let him meet her, he'll change his mind. 


Speaking of meeting! 


Gotta go! 

Jungkook smiled down at his phone for a moment. She had been pretty stubborn about meeting up with him. To make matters worse, Jimin and Taehyung had both been adamant about not giving him any information about where she went to school, her dorm or even the room number. 

"How's Mina doing?" Jimin dropped onto the couch beside him. 

"She's got to work on a project with the ex friend," he said. 

Jimin shook his head but didn't say anything. 

"My thoughts exactly," Jungkook said. 

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