Chapter 17

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Mina sat frozen in the passenger seat of the car. The radio had been turned on to cover the awkward silence left by both of them. Neither had dared to speak since the girl had taken photos of them. The moment Jungkook started towards her, the girl had ran. He returned to the car in silence and hadn't spoken since. Mina wasn't sure what she could say to make the situation any better. 

Her stomach was in knots as she watched her phone. She fully expected notifications to start any minute. There was no doubt in her mind that the girl would post the photos online or worse, sell them to a magazine. 

She laid her head against the cool glass of the window and watched the buildings pass by. The silence stretched on as the car pulled into a parking spot and Jungkook pulled a mask from his rear view mirror to cover the lower half of his face. He came around to open her door for her and finally made eye contact when her hand was placed in his for leverage to stand from the seat. 

"Lean on me," he said. 

As much as she wanted to walk into the hospital on her own, her ankle was throbbing with every step. She had no choice but to comply with him. 

Mina raised her free hand to shield her eyes from the sun reflecting off the building as they approached. An elderly lady stopped to smile at them. 

"Such a lovely young couple! And so caring! My Harold was too bashful to hold my hand for the first six months we were dating," she grinned. Mina shook her head and started to correct the woman but Jungkook cut her off. 

"Thank you." 

Her head snapped up towards him. Once they were far enough away from the woman that she couldn't hear them, Mina whisper scolded him. "What were you thinking? There are already photos of us out there somewhere and now you're thanking people for assuming we're a couple?" 

He simply smiled down at her. He was saved from answering her by the automatic doors sliding open into the hospital lobby. A middle age woman looked up from the desk with a pleasant smile as she watched them approach. 

"Can I help you?" she asked. 

"Yes, my friend here fell and possibly twisted her ankle. It's swollen and bruised so I thought she might should get it checked out." 

The nurse nodded and slid a clipboard across the desk. "Take a seat and fill these out. I'll have an orderly bring a wheelchair around when she's called." 

Two hours went by before Mina was finally released from the hospital. She had not only sprained her ankle, but had broken two bones in her foot in the process. 

"The cast looks stupid," she whined. 

Jungkook laughed from behind her as he kept a hand close enough to catch her should she slip on the crutches they had given her. "Well that's what happens when you fall out a window. You should be more careful." 

He waited until they were back inside his car before removing his face mask and checking his phone. His face paled instantly. "We've got a bit of trouble," he said softly. 

Mina leaned over the console to get a better look. Hundred of notifications of the photos filled the screen. Before she could read them a call flashed across the phone. It didn't go unnoticed that his thumb was shaking as he slid the answer button over. 


"I understand." 

"It wasn't like.. okay." 


"I will." 

"Twenty minutes." 

"Okay, bye." 

The voice on the other end of the line had been muffled and too low for her to properly make it out but judging from how quiet Jungkook had been, it wasn't good. She waited for him to say something, anything about the call, but he never did. Instead he drove her back to her dorm in silence. 

She placed a hand on his arm when he reached for his door handle. "Don't worry about it. I've caused you enough trouble for one day. Just get back and good luck handling this." 

He opened his mouth to protest but she had already pushed the door open and started hobbling towards her dorm. The crutches weren't that hard to manage, she just needed to get down the coordination of it. 

Mina teetered on the crutches as she reached for the door leading into the dorms. Before she could reach it or fall in the process, it was held open for her. She stared in silence at the person holding the door. 

"You coming in or what?" Sunny asked. 

She nodded her head and awkwardly made her way around the girl. One of the crutches snagged the upturned end of the doormat and tipped Mina's balance. She braced herself for the impact of the cold hard floor that never came. Instead she was pulled upright and against a warm firm body. 

"I got you," Sunny said. She waited until Mina was standing again to let go of her. Her hands were still held out just inches from Mina's body should she fall again. "So what happened to you? Are you alright?" 

The soft tone caused the stupid blood pumping muscular organ in her chest to painfully tighten. "Fell out the window. I'm fine." She kept her answers short and to the point. The less she said the more of a chance she had of escaping the situation with at least a shred of her dignity intact. 

"Let's get you back to your room then." Sunny didn't wait for a reply. She walked slightly ahead of Mina and pressed the button for the elevator. They rode up to the second floor in silence. 

For the second time that day Mina was trapped in an enclosed space with someone who made her heart skips beat in an uncomfortable silence. Just like the first time, she was clueless about what to say. 

The elevator doors slid open to the empty hallway. Sunny walked ahead again but waited outside Mina's door for her to catch up. She held her hand out for the keys which Mina begrudgingly handed over. 

She had just started to wobble her way into her room when she felt a hand close over her phone and lift it out of her back pocket. 

"I got a new number. Call or text me if you need anything." Her mouth lamely fell open as she watched Sunny enter her number into her phone before sliding it back into her pocket. "Oh and Mina," she smiled over her shoulder at her, "do be careful around windows." 

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