Chapter 18

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The rain falling against the window filled the room with a light tapping. It droned on but barely reached Mina's ears. Her eyes were darting left to right across the computer screen in front of her. 

The girl from had uploaded the photos of her and Jungkook to Twitter. They had went viral in a matter of hours. The company was quick to release a statement about her being a family friend almost immediately but there was no word from him directly. Instead she was left with radio silence.
She glanced at her phone intermittently, waiting for it ring or buzz. No matter how hateful the comments were, ranging from insults about her looks or degrading remarks followed by how dare she try to steal their Kookie, she couldn't look away. 

She didn't really blame him for the lack of contact. Surely he was busy with the agency and working things out or maybe even just practice. But it didn't go unnoticed how much quieter her evenings were without hearing from him. It had already been a week. The countless texts she had sent him weren't even opened. For some reason that hurt her more than seeing that they had been read. At least if he opened them she would know that he cared enough to do that. 
Hours had passed when her phone finally did buzz with a text.

Still got the same number?


Figured. You up for a movie?

Right now?

I'm in the elevator. See you in a few seconds.

Mina glanced up at the door and waited for the knock. As if on cue the sound startled her even though she was expecting it. She pushed herself up onto a single crutch, maneuvered around the other one that was laying in the middle of her floor and unlocked the door. 

Sunny was leaned against her door frame with a pizza box balancing a couple dvd cases on top. She raised her other hand to show off the plastic bag dangling from two fingers. Her eyes raked over Mina slowly before coming back up to meet her own. 

"When was the last time you showered?" she asked. 

Mina shrugged her shoulders and stepped back out of the way to allow her in. "A few days I guess. It's not like I've had anywhere to be." 

Sunny's response abruptly stopped when she took in the state of the room. Delivery containers were strewn about the room, empty soda cans littered every open surface, and the floor was no longer visible from the array of dirty clothes. "Should I phone the police?" 

Mina crinkled her brow. "Why?" 

"To make sure there isn't a dead body underneath all of this garbage. Seriously. What the hell happened?" she asked. Her face was contorted between concern and disgust. In all the time they had known each other, Mina was compulsive with her cleaning. Everything had a place. 

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm injured. I'm in a cast. It kinda limits the day to day life a bit and since I'm in here alone, shit isn't getting done." She didn't bother to pull the edge from her voice. She had spent days reading her name being slandered by young girls on the internet who probably couldn't tell the difference between slander and libel or what defamation was to begin with. 

Sunny pushed a pile of clothes from the spare bed and sat the pizza box down on it. "Alright. Fair enough. First things first, get a shower. I'll sort out this mess while you're in there." 

Mina opened her mouth to protest only to be met with Sunny raising her hand to cut her off. "Don't bother. You can't live in this mess. If the RA catches this you'll be fined or kicked out. I'm pretty sure this is not only a health violation but a fire hazard as well. Just go." 

Mina rolled her eyes but hobbled over to the bathroom door. She hadn't even gotten inside the room before Sunny had already started gathering the garbage and stuffing it in the empty delivery bags. 

The small bathroom didn't allow her much room to move the crutch. She ended up propping it against the sink and using the wall for support. With one hand braced against the bathtub she managed to get the shower turned on. 

"You know you can't get the cast wet," Sunny called from the other room. 

Nope. Hadn't occurred to her. Totally not why she hadn't showered in days. 

"No shit," she called back. She heard a low chuckle coming from the other room before Sunny poked her head in. 

"Get undressed, I have an idea," she said. 

Mina stood there in silence while she listened to Sunny rummaging around in her room. Her fingers numbly slipped her shirt over her head and pulled her pants down to the floor. Getting them over the cast wasn't easy even though she had went with the baggiest pajama pants she owned. She pulled a towel tight around her body to protect what little pride she had left. 

Sunny returned with a garbage bag and a roll of tape. "Sit on the edge of the tub," she instructed. 

"It's cold," Mina whined. 

Sunny smiled and shook her head. "Then stop falling out windows." 

She pulled the bag up over Mina's cast and began to seal off the top with the tape. She pulled at the edges to make sure they were secure before wrapping a small towel around it and tying it off with a hair tie. "Perfect," she stood up to admire her work. "Now get your shower. Yell if you need anything." 

Mina waited until the bathroom door was closed before dropping the towel and leaning into the hot water. She adjusted the knob to the hottest setting. Her shoulders slowly relaxed as she felt the week being washed away with each drop of water hitting her body. 


AN: Weekly update! Whatcha think? 

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