Chapter 29: Prescription

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Dean's POV

MDD, Major Depressive Disorder also known as simply Depression is a mental disorder characterized by at least two weeks of low mood that is present across most situations. It is often accompanied by low self-esteem, loss of interest in normally enjoyable activities, low energy, and pain without a clear cause.

However, I'm trying to cope up with this by visiting the hospital, having a treatment with my psychiatrist. He prescribed me a medicine called SSRI, well I know nothing about medicines but I don't question my doctor about the drug that he prescribed. I trust him, he's a professional and he knows what he's doing.

I have an appointment with him every weekend, it's perfect because weekends are supposed to be a rest day for students like me specially when you're part of the track and field team.

I still can't get over the fact that I didn't do anything for Hanz. Well, he's rude and everything but he's still my brother. Not biologically but by heart, I know he loves me too... I guess?


I became the barrier between the two men fighting while doing the individual test, the reason why the attention went to me instead of them.

"Tsk. Attention Seeker"

I was hurt and all, but I guess that's his way of saying thank you. I stood up trying to catch my breath. Zian saw me struggling so he helped me. He gave me water and what is he holding? Is that my medicine? He nods as if he knows what's going on inside my head. But how did he know that I take medicine?

Did he came upon my diary? Idk, nevermind, it's not a big deal.

"Hey you alright? I know it's a dumb question but I just want to make it sure"

"Yeah yeah, everything will go back to normal tomorrow, I hope Enos will be the one to make it up with Hanz. You know Hanz, apologizing is not his thing."

"I hope so too. Go home with him before he left. You need to take a rest, it's been a rough day"

I smiled before I left at the school with Hanz. I remembered that look when we fought before so I'm scared to approach him, I didn't even dare to talk to him, I remained silent until we arrived at the house.

I tried to help him but he refused, he's not irritated to me nor angry so I'm quiet surprised.


I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth before going to bed. Right before I reach the door knob to leave the bathroom, I felt quite dizzy and everything went to pitch black...

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