Chapter 22.1: Erlebnisse

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Five in the afternoon, the sun is starting to set. Two days left before the individual test in Team A will start

Ethan's POV

I'm here at my precious place that only my family knows. It's like a house filled with books and properties from my Dad. Since he's now gone, I'm already the one who's taking care of this. This is the place that I stay in when I'm already done with training or schoolworks, and also every weekend.

I'm just reading the files regarding my father's death, suddenly, I've heard of a noise coming from the bookshelf in front of my table. I stood up to check if there's someone in my house.

"Who's here?" I said as I slowly and carefully move towards the place when I heard the noise.

I took a thick book but damn, it's quite heavy, "Come on, show up bro. Tell me what you want!" I exclaimed.

I already placed the book on my chest level, making a shield for myself in case that this moron will attack me.

Suddenly, a noise from my back caught my attention making me look from behind.

But I saw no one was there, so I looked back again to my way but a face of someone who's familiar to me appeared in front of my face. Now we're like an inch away from ourselves and our eyes met. I fell down in shock.

"What the freaking! What the heck on earth Enos!" I exclaimed as I calm myself for breathing out heavily.

"Booyah! Surprised bro?" He replied and grinned. He then reached his arms to mine helping me to get up.

I neglected his help and I stood up independently.

"Don't ever do that again or else, I'm not gonna hesistate to kill you. I'm damn serious Enos." I said giving him a glare of seriousness.

"Oh okay, fine. Okay sorry Ethan, I didn't mean to frighten you." He said as he raise both his arms in surrender.

"What brings you here? And how the heck did you know about this place?" I asked curiously.

"Don't you remember? You said about this secret house of yours when we, Team A had our first hangout. You're drunk that time making you say things that we didn't know at first."

"Okay fine. Just don't ever touch any books in here. Okay?" I said as I go back to my chair and took a seat.

"Sure." He replied giving me a look of assurance. "You know this is such a nice play, I should visit here often."He said while his eyes are having a tour inside my house.

"Then answer my first question." I said as I resume in reading the folders of files about my Dad.

"I came here because I'm just worried about the competition within our team."

I stopped reading for a moment and looked straight to Enos. "What do you mean?"

"I know you're smarth Ethan, you definitely know what I'm trying to say." He said and sighed.

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