Chapter 28: The Fight

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Enos' POV

It is now the second day of our individual test and everyone in Team A is giving their best to be part of the final team to compete for the last spot to play in the final.

It's still to early so there aren't much student yet

"Aren't you a bit early for the individual test" said by a familiar voice that made me look to where I heard it, then I saw him coming toward my direction

"You aren't the only one whose allowed to practice early" I said as he reach the spot where I'm standing


I can now see everyone coming especially the Team A who are now taking their break from the warm up exercise we did

"Yow guys let's all do our best" said Zian who drank some water from his tumbler

"Okay get ready Team A we will start our individual test" said by one of the trainers and that made us stand up from the break that we are having

"Okay so for today's test we will be doing a backward running you have to finish the 20 laps running backwards" said by the same trainer who made us stand up from our break

We all looked at each other saying that we all should do our best to finish this test

"Okay now Team A on your places" said by the other trainer

We all took our places and get ourselves ready

"Goodluck guys" Ethan said before I knew it one trainer already blow his whistle and that made us all run backwards

We all are running backwards when...

"Hey watch where you going Enos" Hanz said that made me stop running and look at him

"How should I look when we're all running backwards you fool" I said and that made them all look at me and Hanz

"Tsk, don't try to be a show off bro we all know that you don't deserve that spot in the final team" He said and move toward me

"What are you trying to point out? I'm just doing the individual test here and all of a sudden you will show that attitude of yours you know what you should fix that and first off all you aren't the only one who deserve to be on that team, we all deserve it" I said and shock my head in disbelief and turn my back and started to run backward again.

Until I felt that someone pulled me and punch me

"Don't you dare turn your back at me I'm still talking to you" Hanz said as I was now sitting on the tracks wiping the blood on my lips

"What is wrong with you?" I asked standing up and I saw that Zian is running toward us

"Hey what's the commotion all about guys?" Zian asked as I ignore his question and keep my gaze at Hanz

"You know what you should really fix that attitude of yours cause maybe someone might start punching you, maybe that someone will be me" I said as I charge at him ready to punch his face.

Everything turns into a chaotic mess as me and Hanz are now changing punches and everyone that surround us are trying to separate us from each other.

As I was punching Hanz face I can't hear what the people that surround us are saying, the once a peaceful individual training turned into a fight that me and Hanz started.

"Hanz stop!!" I heard Deans voice as the other helped on separating us

We both stop fighting as soon as everyone's attention turned to look at Dean he is now sitting on the ground who looks like his having a panic attack.

Zian quickly went to where Dean was and the commotion stopped and now all the attention is on Dean

"Tsk. Attention seeker" I heard what Hanz said and saw him leave I just shock my head in disbelief and went near Dean with the other Team A the supposedly peaceful individual test has now turned into a mess.

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