Chapter 1- Intro

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(AN- Hi guys this is my first fan fiction so I hope you enjoy, but there is one point I want to clarify quickly, for the storyline I have given Rye a younger sister, she is going to be the same age as Charlotte. But anyway if you are reading this right now thank you for choosing this book to read, I would love some feedback so here is the story!!!)


I roll me eyes as I start to apply a light amount of make up, I can't believe my parents are making me out of all the other possible people to take Lilly to this dumb concert, I haven't even heart of these guys before in my life- Road Trip.

I blink as I put on a thick coat of mascara onto my thin lashes to finish off the look before I move to the mirror to look at myself, I was wearing a black net cropped top pared with black skinny jeans and was about to slip into my black heeled boots and put my messy brown and blonde hair into a high ponytail when my little sister, well I call her little but in fact she is only two hears younger than me,  walked in with her white road trip top on and a giant grin on her lips "Charlotte, mum said we have to go now" she said to me clearly buzzing for the concert. "Ok Lil, I will be down in a couple minutes" I said with a smile as I finish getting ready. One I was finished I walked downstairs and got in the car, buckled up, checked Lilly was in and started driving after putting on my fave 5SOS cd.

We got to the venue in Manchester roughly 2 hours later and I was rushing to get food because we only had 30 minutes before the show. Luckily though we got there just on time to get a good space in the crowd and see the support act before the boys came onto the stage.


AN- Hey guys once again thanks for reading, sorry it's such a short chapter, the rest will be longer!

Word count: 271

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