Chapter 6:"you numnut"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

It has been a few days and I think saying that they've welcomed me with open arms is a bit of an understatement. They have all been so nice and I've bonded well with all of the boys, but mostly with The and Brook. I guess Brooklyn and I just clicked, we get along like a house on fire! Even the other boys have said that if they hadn't met us before they would think we were twins.

With Rye it's a little different though, when we are alone together there is always a feeling that I get. He makes me feel happy and well, safe, loved, you get the idea.

We were having one of those moment cuddled up together under a blanket in front of the TV happily watching Friends when the rest of the pack came piling in. Brooklyn was the first to say anything "Movie night?" he questioned. Rye and I just beamed widely and shouted "Hell yeah!" in unison.

"I'm picking!" I shout first a cheeky grin plastered on my face as they all moan. I grab the remote and get up one of my all time favourite movies with arguably the best twist ending to any movie, let alone Ghost movie, ever made.

(A/N: if you can guess the movie correctly I will forever love you!!!)

Once the movie has finished the lads just sat there still staring at the screen completely gobsmacked, it reminded me of when I first watched it. "What the, he, what! He was a, oh my god" was Brooklyn's first reaction to the twisted ending. "It makes total sense actually but why wasn't the kid scared of him too?" Jack questioned. "Well the guy was helping him" replied Sonny.

Andy had actually managed to get through it but he was still a little bit scared "Wait what if we are all ghosts" he said his voice shaking with shock. "Andy" I say through laughs "hun, the ghosts can't see eachother you numnut".

We carried on the night shortly after that with mean girls and finally the first Harry Potter movie, which seemed very fitting as I was dressed in Hufflepuff PJ's.

(Rye's POV:

The movie night was of course really fun and I really admired Charlotte's taste in movies. Although I think I may be in shock for the next few days from it!

The next day

We had decided during our mini discussion that we would go to the beach today, so of course to many moans we all woke up at the crack of dawn.

Charlotte and I had managed to get into her house when her family was out so she could get some of her own clothes and a bikini for herself.

I had a little peek into Lilly's room and the first thing to catch my eye was a poster of me and the other lads

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I had a little peek into Lilly's room and the first thing to catch my eye was a poster of me and the other lads. I just couldn't help myself U grabbed a pen and went in. I signed to the right and lightly above my head a smile came onto my lips as I put a little x and a winky face next to it.

When we got to Blackpool the first thing we dine was search for ice cream and after a long a painful hunt (which was probably only eight minutes) we all finally got our mr whippies and walked down to the beach.

(Charlotte's POV:)

It was a lovely, warm, sunny day out and I was in a mischievous mood. I slowly crept up next to Rye before I shouted "woah what's that!" and pointed towards the sky. I smirked as he so obliviously took the bate, as soon as he looked I pushed the tip of his ice cream right into his face.

"oh you didn't!" he laughed sending my heart into a flutter before giving the soft and now destroyed treat to Andy and placing his hands in my waste. He started tickling my uncovered skin as at this point we were in out swim suits. I squeeled and tried to wriggle out of his grip but he was far to strong for me.

We went on like this for a few minutes, until we were both out of breath, we ended up laying on the sand next to each other in fits of giggles. "You two coming in or what!?" Sonny called from the water. "I might come in in a bit!" I shouted back to him as I reach in my bag retrieving my tattered copy of Carrie by Stephen King. I had already read it once before but I had loved it so much that I just had to go through it again, not matter how hard it would make me cry!

I read for the next few hours, Sonny, Andy, Jack and Brook had decided to go and get some food but neither Rye or I was hungry.

(Rye's POV:)

The sun was beginning to set and I was determined to get Charlotte in the water before we had to leave.

I walk up the beach up to her smirking as I gently pull the book out of her grip making sure to out the book mark in, didn't really fancy being murdered. I then slowly pulled her off the ground and throw her over my shoulder "Ryan Leonard Beaumont, what the hell are you doing, don't you dare do what I think your going to do!" she half shouted as I start to move back towards the sea.

I laugh as my toes meet the water but I carry on walking. Sadly though by the time I was in the right beth to throw her she had managed to squirm herself into a more comfortable place. Her legs were wrapped around my waste securely and her arms were curved around my neck, brilliant.

(Charlotte's POV:)

I laugh as his shocked expression when he realised he wouldn't be able to throw me into the ocean. Our eyes meet ad my mall giggles die down and my heart flutters again when he shoots me a loving smile, I could say that he was looking at me like I was a chocolate bar.

Our eyes eventually completely locked into place and before I even had chance to take a breath he crashed his soft lips onto mine. I smile into the kiss happily, the butterflies that were already in my stomach seeming to take flight and giving me a feeling that had never felt with any boy before. We just stand their, our lips connected until we hear a shout from the beach "Well I never thought it would finally happen!" Any said his voice filled up to the brim with sarcasm.

"I knew it, HA! My boat is finally setting sail!!!" Brooklyn cheered excitedly. "Brook don't you mean ship?" Jack questioned. There was silence for a few seconds before Brook went "Oh yeah" making us all crack up.

We got back to the car and shortly after that I fell asleep, my head rested on Eye's shoulder with him gently stroking my hair, the last thing I could remember before drifting off was him kissing my forehead gently as he whisperd "Goodnight Charlotte".

Word count: 1102

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