Chapter 10- "she is gorgeous"

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(Jack's POV:)

I am laying under the sheets of my bed when she comes back and crawls in next to me. I turn the lights off and after a few minutes it appears that she is asleep so I move closer to her and press my lips against her forehead and whisper "goodnight". I am about to move away when I feel the soft material of my t-shirt move against my skin "goodnight Jack" she whispers back giving me a peck on the cheek before sinking down to rest her head against my chest allowing me to wrap my arms around her delicate form as we slowly drink off to sleep.

(Pandemonium's POV:)

I feel light and open after our late night kisses, I actually fall asleep happy and with a smile on my lips for the first time in a while.

(Charlotte's POV:)

Rye has stuck another movie on but we are not really watching it, out lips are more concentrated on eachother making the most of our time alone.

At the end of the long film we decided that we should get some steep as it is well past midnight.

I wake up what feel like two hours later, I snuggle back into Rye's chest to go back to sleep after checking my phone and seeing that it is actually 3:30 am. I attempt to fall asleep for the next minute maybe until I start to hear a strange rustling sound of leaves.

I try to ignore it but then a sharp crack rings out, it sounds dangerously close to the tent. I start to tap and slightly Rye "Rye, Rye, Rye, wake up" I whisper in his ear.

"ummmmh what's the matter?" he replies still half asleep, fuck his sleepy voice is hot, feet your head straight Charlotte! "I heard some noises by the tent" I say my fear shining through clearly in my voice.

He chuckles before letting go of me and crawling towards the zip that was done all the way up.

But just before he began to pull it down I hear another snap near my head making me jump and Rye laugh a little. "You don't have to worry, it's probably just an animal" he tells me with a reassuring smile.

He them continues to drag the zip down before cautiously making his way out and standing up.

Rye walks away from the entrance of the tent so I can only guess where he is from the sound of his footsteps.

"Charlotte come look at this!" he calls in awe when he stops moving. I don't move though and after a few seconds he says "come on I promise your going to like it, just trust me".

So I reluctantly sigh and drag myself out of the entrance to stand up and then turn to the direction that Rye was in. Two bright eyes are staring back at me through the darkness, I cautiously move closer trying not to make much noise. As I move closer I can make out the eyes, the shape of a female deer.

"She is gorgeous" I half whisper ad I reach Rye's side "yeah, just like you" he breathes in my ear and I can hear the smirk clear in his smooth, angelic voice that sends shivers down my spine. "Not sure if that was cringy or incredibly cute, let's go with cute" I chuckle as I turn towards him a bit still making sure to keep part of my view on the doe.

"I'm going to get my phone so that I can get a picture of her" I tell him and make my way back to the tent.

Once I have got it I walk back to my previous spot my concentration all on the picture that I don't even notice that Rye has mysteriously disappeared.

After I get to perfect shot I turn to show it to the boy I thing is by my side but find that he is infact not here.

(Rye's POV:)

I stand watching her from the shade of the trees trying my hardest not to laugh as she looks around trying to find me. "Rue just come out already I know your trying to hide" she calls. I wait to see if she says something else "Rye come on, just come out" she continues starting to sound slightly peeved.

"Ryan stop joking around" Charlotte says with an annoyed laugh. "ugh fine you win, Km going back to the tent" I almost chuckle as I hear the eye roll in her voice as she crawls back in.

It's a couple seconds of silence and I'm about to go back when I hear an ear splitting scream and see the shape of arms and legs flailing about in tent. "There is a spider on my face!Get off, AHHHHHHHHH!" Charlotte screams as she tent collapses on top of her because of all her kicks and punches at the pegs.

"Rye! Don't just stand there laughing! Get it off of me!" she cries as I burst out in hysterical laughs. "ok, ok I got you, I'm coming shortcake" I say and carefully dodge her frantic arms and legs.

"Charlotte your going to have to stay still ok" I tell her in a calming tone and to my relief she stops almost straight away, but I do notice that she is still a little shaky so I find what I think is Charlotte's hand and hold it through the material of the tent.

Once she is completely calm I let go and gently untangle her from the mess to find a large peice of black fluff from a blanket next to her. "You have got to be kidding me" I laugh when I see it. "What do you mean?" Charlotte asks and I show her "oh" she says and we both crack up.

(Charlotte's POV:)

After a lot of hard work putting the tent back up we are once again falling asleep tangled in each others arms.

I wake up with a frown on my face when I realise Rye isn't next to me anymore. I am confused and still partly asleep until I hear the shouts of two familiar male voices and shoot up from my temporary bed of cushions and fluffy blankets. I shoot up and rush myself out of the tent to see Rye shouting at the one and only Jaxon.

He looks drunk and very very pissed off, the two boys were up in eachother faces screaming at eachother. And Jackson looks like he is about to hit Rye, I don't waste another second before grabbing my phone and running off to find signal dialing the police telling them what is happening and where we are.

About ten minutes later I get back to find two police cars and Rye laying on the floor knocked out with what looks like a broken nose.

(Brook's POV:)

I wake up to my phone buzzing on the table beside my bed "Hello?" I ask through the line not bothering to look at the contact as I am very tired.

But I feel much more awake when Charlotte's voice coming through the phone sobbing, she tells me that Rye got in a fight with her ex and he is in the hospital is in the hospital knocked out with a broken nose.

I get up and get dressed running around the house getting everyone up and getting ready to go to the hospital.

Word count: 1252

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