Chapter 20: "You Can't tell anyone"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

"C,can you just excuse me for a minute" I stutter trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to spill out of my eyes. I rush outside and call the one person that I knew would react sainly.

(Brook's POV:)

Tori and I are sat on my bed, she is trying to teach me how to do French and Dutch braids as apparently I am the most likely out if the boys to be the girls personal hair stylist, personally I dont really get it.

(A/N": Brook would definitely be the hair stylist 🤣 Convince me different I dare you! 😂)

I am finally getting to the end of a braid when my phone begins to ring, I look over and see that Charlotte is calling me. "Sorry Toreo I gotta take it, Charlotte said she would only call me from work if it was urgent" I say before giving Tori a quick kiss on the cheek and moving over to lean against the window sill.

"Hey Loz, what's up?" I say cheerfully as I pick up but my face immediately drops when I hear her shaky breathing and sniffles "Charlotte are you ok, what happened?".

"Brook you can't tell anyone ok, especially not Rye, I'm going to tell him myself ok, do you promise," she half whispers back and I become more worried.

"Hey, you have my word ok, I'm not going to say anything, just tell me what's wrong ok".

"Well, I met the guy playing Sky today-"

"That's good isn't it?"

"Well actually,it's not good at all, I've met the guy before, I've actually known him for quite a while now".

"Charlotte, you can tell me ok, who is it?"

"It's Jaxon..."

My fear for her immediately turns to protectiveness and anger. "The reason he couldn't start rehearsals earlier is probably because of the restraining order". Her voice cracks half way through speaking.

"I want to try and be professional about it and work though it I know that I will always be with other people but I just hate the thought of him being Sky".

"Charlotte, you are my best friend and I am going to support you but please be careful, and try to tell Rye tonight, I love you, now go get yourself cleaned up and go be awesome!" I tell her supportively and I hear a small laugh from her.

"I love you too Brooky, bye!" She says before hanging up the call. "What was that about, is she ok?" Tori asks worried as her eyes widen but I just simply shake my head knowing that it isn't my thing to tell.

(Andy's POV:)

The boys and I had been talking about doing a big scale music video for Hero but we just couldn't decide on the final touches.

"I've got it!" Sonny says suddenly and we all turn our attention to him "Dancers, it would just make everything pop" he tells us and I see everyones faces light up."but it would take ages to find any" Brook chips in.

"Actually, I know a dancer I could call up" I shrug as I remember that McKenna is a professional dancer "if O can get her to agree she can try to get some others in too, and I'm sure Ginger would be happy enough to do choreo".

"That's great, you can call her now right?" Sonny questions and I nod and get my phone out to call her. She picks up after a few rings and I start it off by saying "hey McKenna, the boys and I were actually wondering if we could meet up and talk about a bit of business" I look over and see that Rye is on the phone to someone aswell, probably Ginger.

"Uh yeah, yeah sounds great, do you mind if I come to you?" She asks and I tell her that she can before saying goodbye and hanging up to text her the address. "Ok she is going to come to us tomorrow!".

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