Chapter 8: "Keep it PG!"

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(Pandemonium's POV:)

We are sat watching a horror movie called 'Lights out', I love horror movies but I have never watched one without getting scared. I don't really like to be visibly scared around other people, I don't like to show fear, but it is well worth it as ever time I would jump, flinch or look away Jack pulls my body closer to his under our shared blanket.

I am practically on top of him by the end of it. I look up at him ad he looks to my face sending me a smile and I return one.

We put another movie on, 'Avengers:Infinity War' I stay in my position and Jack doesn't protest against it.

It has now come to the end amd I am sobbing into his chest with his arms snaked around me, one hand rubbing circles on my back and the other stroking my red hair. I look up and see that the other boys are blubbering too.

It's been about five to ten minutes and we have all finally calmed down, thank fuck I'm wearing waterproof mascara. "well I don't know about any of you lot but I'm shattered" Andy yawns and a chorus of "same" echoes around the room. "ok, sleeping arrangements!" Andy replies looking at me "oh, I don't really mind where I sleep or who I share with" I say partially lying, I would love to get some more alone time with Jack.

"well I think it would be best if you shared with Jack" Brooklyn smirks and laughs a little. "yeah, you two are getting along well" Sonny teases with a wiggle of his eyebrows. I feel my cheeks burning up and I know that I am now a dark shade of red.

(Jack's POV:)

I stare wife eyed at the boys as my cheeks change colour.

"well that's settled then" Andy said "ooh I got the perfect ship name Pack!" Brook exclaims. "Shut the hell up Brooklyn, well that's settled then, Pandi and Jack are sharing" Andy said with an over the top eye roll.

They all rush up and leave us while we are to flustered to react, shouting a few comments such as "goodnighttttt" "Don't have toooo much fun kids" "don't stay up to long" "try to keep it PG!" and the final shout was from Andy "Use protection!".

We sit in shock and embarrassment for the next few minutes, neither of us saying anything before we head up. Once we are in my room she says "I haven't got any PJ's" I don't even have to think about my awnser "you can use one of my shirts if you want". She looks up at me from her seat on the bed and nods with a grateful smile "thanks" she says when I hand one to her and she leaves for the bathroom to get changed.

Word count: 480

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