Chapter 5: "thanks for the offer"

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(Rye's POV!:)

I see her pull out her Samsung phone letting out a small and quiet laugh when I notice the hufflepuff phone case. I didn't have a clue of what she was doing and clearly the other two boys didn't either. I only realised when her jaw dropped and she said "shit, what am I going to tell my parents, it looks like I've got a bloody black eye!" she was clearly panicking, it looked as if she was going into a panic attack.

Once I am up from the floor and I've put the plate down I rush over to her and lead her over to a chair where I set her down and tell Andy to get her a glass of water and I tell the sobbing Charlotte to take deep breaths.

After about two minutes she is ok again, still a little shaken up but ok "we would have to speak to the other boys about it but maybe you could stay here for a few days, I would be fine with sleeping on the sofa again, and that is, of course, only if you feel comfortable with it" I tells her slightly rushing the last part so that she wouldn't feel pressured into staying.

"thanks for the offer, I think it would be nice, also Rye you shouldn't have to sleep on the sofa, you can have your own bed back, I will take the sofa" she told me with a considerate smile, she had a really lovely smile, really lights up her face and brings out her smaller features, such as her freckles that were dotted around her slightly sun kissed skin, of course they were very noticeable before but they really stood out when she smiled.

"That's great!" Brooklyn explains knocking me out of my trance "It would be really fun" he laughed already excited. I take a deep breath before asking the question "What's your boyfriends problem?".

She seemed to think about how to answer for a few seconds "Well he isn't usually like that" usually? "he was really drunk last night, we were celebrating out third year as a couple last night. Honestly I don't see why I'm still with him" she sighed before her phone started to blast Teenagers by My Chemical Romance.

I chuckle at the song choice for ringtone before her phone says over the top of the music "Jaxon is calling" I notice her brown eyes widen as I grab the phone and answer it, anger bubbling up inside me already. A rough, pissed off and not to mention a very hungover voice came through to my ear "Babe where the fuck are you!" he shouted. "somewhere you can't hurt her again" I growl back at him, why am I feeling so protective over her?.

I head him start to say another sentence "No!" I shout down the line "you can't start talking yet, you shouldn't even be calling Charlotte after what you done to her last night" I finish.

(Charlotte's POV:)

I watch in shock as Rye stands up for me and before I could process what I was doing I grabbed my phone off of him and shout "Jaxon, it's over!" I don't even wait for a response before handing up on him, a small smile of pure relief crept onto my face but then it hit me.

It really hit me what I had just done "oh fuck what did I just do! What the hell did I do that for. I'm so dead, I'm fucking screwed. He is actually going to murder me, I can't believe I just did that, I'm fucked, I am so fucked" I let out everything in a jumble of fear and regret.

I lift my head to see Andy, Ryan and Brook lifting their jaws off of the floor and behind them, Sonny and Jack walking in.

(Rye's POV:)

I hear two sets of foot steps behind me and once they are close enough I lean into Jack's ear and fill him in on all that had happened the previous night. I had already told Sonny but didn't get chance to tell Jack as he was fast asleep, no surprise there.

Charlotte was still freaking out about her sudden outburst at the phone so I step towards her softly laying my hand on her shoulder and telling her "It was for the best, don't worry, if her tries anything I'm here and I'm sure the police would step in". I give her a reassuring smile and bring her in for a hug to further calm her nerves. Her face rests on my chest and my head leads on the top of hers.

The boys quietly walk out of the room deciding to give us some space together alone. I smile to myself knowing that Brooklyn is probably coming up with a ship name for us already.

I don't know why but as we stand her curled up together, her in my arms and my face buried into her brown and blonde hair, it feels right.

(Charlotte's POV:)

Just standing here, my head on Rye's chest and his arms wrapped securely around me, holding he against him allowing me to breath in his sweet scent. It feels nice, safe, perfect.

Word count: 881

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