Chapter 12: "Rye its me Charlotte"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

"W, what?" I stutter completely taken back.
"Who are you?" He repeats and I just stare, I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes fell out of their sockets! "I said, who are you, are you deaf or something" Rye snaps harshly, getting impatient as he snatches his hand away with a snarl on his usually smiley lips.

"Rye, it's me, Charlotte, your girlfriend"I stumble along the words, my tears blurring my vision but he just sits there staring like I'm crazy. "Your just another one of those crazy fan girls aren't you! Get the hell put of here, can't you respect my privacy, I'm in hospital for fucks sake!" He screams looking at me like I'm a peice of dog shit on his clean, new, sparkling white shoes, so I look around me for help to see that they are all giving me the same look.

They all start to slowly morph into something, someone else, Rye, screaming, glaring, pushing my tears out, it's like I couldn't cry forever like I'm stuck in limbo, crying as my boyfriend screams constantly at me.

But as if a gardian angel has come to save me it feels as if I am being shaken and everything stops and it's just black until I find the strength to open my eyes to Brook, Pandemonium and Lilly leaning over me, I can't be more relieved.

(Lilly's POV:)

We decide to head back to the room, Sonny tell and fully updateds me on everything as we walk.

But as soon as we get back I notice that Charlotte is uncontrollably crying, like literally sobbing, in her sleep.

Pan and Brook are trying to shake her awake so I go straight over to help and eventually she awakens. Her eyes burst open, almost immediately flying to look at the bed.

She is still crying and shaking, if not more, so I bring her I to a light squeeze and whisper into her ear that it was only a dream and that she doesn't have to be worried.

Once she is calm I let Charlotte go and she tells us everything about her chilling  nightmare and we all gather her im a group hug. "guys, to claustrophobic" muffled voice calls from the centre. So we disband laughing one by one to return to our seats, but we freeze to the spot when we hear a small groan coming from the the bed from Rye.

It is the fastest I've ever seen Charlotte move, she ran to Rye bringing him into a massive hug and a kiss as she lets some more tears out but tears of pure joy.

(Sonny's POV:)

We take it in turns to talk to Rye and when it comes to Lilly's turn I would have expected her to be nervous but she isn't in the slightest, she radiates confidence, she is outgoing and so bubbly, I really admire that about her, she is such a great girl.

I really need to stop thinking about her like this, I have Tori, I have a girlfriend! That I love, oh who am I kidding I don't love Tori anymore, yes I do have some feelings for her but I don't love her and I don't want to keep stringing her along.

But I don't want to upset her either through, she is so sweet and definitely doesn't deserve the heartbreak, I want to let her down gently, I just don't know how.

I have a feeling though that Brook likes Tori, they do get along very well and I guess that would make a cute couple.

Speak of the devil, or in this case shall we say think of the devil. "Sorry guys, Tori is calling, I will be back in a minute" I take a look around and see that replacing the usual grin is a small unmistakable frown on Brook's face, now you know when I said that I have a feeling that Brook likes Tori, let's rephrase that - I'm sure that Brook likes her.

"Hey Tori"
"Sooooo I was wandering of you wanted to go out for a bite to eat at that cafe you love"
"I'm so sorry but I can't cause right now I am at the hospital"
"The hospital! Are you ok, is Jack ok, is Brook ok?"
"No no I'm fine, but Rye got in a bit of a scrabble"
"That's terrible, what hospital are you at and what room"
I know that there is no point in arguing, so I just tell her what she wants to hear.

"Oh I'm not that far away, I was just about to head home from a walk with the pups, so I will just get them home then drive up, see you soon, love you byeeeeeeeeee!"
I sigh "Love you too bye!" and hang up before walking back in ad I had left the room to take the call.

"So, what did Tori say?" Brook pipes up, "She called to see if I wanted to go to the cafe for a bit of food but of course I said no cause I'm here so the is on her way here" I tell him studying his facial features for any sign of a reaction.

We talk for a few more minutes until Jack says "Well I for one can't wait to see Tori again, it's been so long since we all hung out together" he laughs.

(Charlotte's POV:)

Seconds after Jack's comment the door flies open and a pretty girl, about the same height as me with dark brown hair that was worn in a side fishtail braid that was gracefully placed over there left shoulder, comes skipping into the room with a contagious smile, she was like a little kid in Disney land, there is practically only one word I can find to describe her, adorable!

She hugged all of the boys in turn, starting out with Jack who got the longest hug and ending with Sonny who also got a peck on the cheek. Then she walked towards me "Hi, I'm Tori!" she says a hint of an Irish accent coming through "I'm Sonny's girlfriend and Jack's sister" she beams.

"Hi, I'm Charlotte, but please feel free to call me Lottie, or whatever creative name you can come up with but I'm not really fussed on nicknames. And I am Rye's girlfriend" I can't help. It grin, it feels so unrealistic to say.  "It's lovely to meet you again Tori, I have heard many great things and I think we will get along very well" I tell her politely offering up my hand to shake but being practically jumped on as the incredibly enthusiastic girl hugs me.

"Oh and this is my best friend Pandemonium, Pan or Pandi for short" I point to the red head.
"Hey! Pandi is my nickname for her, back off grrr" Andy whines.

"Alright mister don't get your knickers in a twist, so Pandi is off limits for a nickname cause Andrew over there is being a spesh little girl, and this is Lilly my little sister" I laugh before looking at the teen who was now sat in my previous chair looking rather upset. "Will you guys please excuse us for a minute, sister talk time" I pull her up and out of the room.

"No point in telling me your fine, cause your not so don't even try, spill". She tells me everything going on with her and Sonny and I just let her cry a river down on me. "Lilly you go back in I won't be long" I whisper lifting her off my shoulder and opening the door. "Sonny can you come out her please" I say trying to look as calm as possible but my blood was boiling. I could see the others giving us confused looks but I ignore them and just glare as Sonny sheepishly exits the room, half confused, half worried and a hint of anger and stress in his eyes.

Word count: 1338

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