Chapter 9: "Where are we going?"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

Once we have finished our lovely meal Rye leads me back outside and pulls me gently by the hand towards a wooded area "Rye where are we going?" I ask softly with a small giggle. "Well shortcake, that's for me to know and you to find out" he tell me with a cheeks wink a just before we enter the shadows of the trees.

"Rye there is no chance I'm gonna get through here without falling on my face!" I laugh and all her does I'd let go of my hand and bend over motioning for my to get on. I hesitate for a few seconds before hopping on and wrapping my arms around his neck being careful not to strangle him. He scoops up behind my knees with his arm ad he straightens up and then gets on his way.

He is cautious with the piggy back, being sure not to drop me. We arrive at the camping site and my head rises from the crook of his neck where it was rested. It was gorgeous, there were fairy lights around a little clearing with a tent in.

He lets me down and I take my time to take in the scene around us before heading to the tent. It is filled with fluffy cushions and blankets, then at the far end is a laptop and a stack of DVD's.

I'm looking in when I feel a pain of strong wrap around my torso and a head rest on my shoulder "beautiful isn't it" his soothing voice whispers into my ear "I love to come here, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that knows about this place, so I come here when I want to clear my head" I want to reply but I am completely speechless "well shall we go in it then?" he asks with a small chuckle that sets my heart fluttering.

When we are in the tent The tells me to close my eyes but they burst open again a huge grin erupting onto my face when I hear the all to familiar opening song of my favorite Disney movie 'The lion king'.

We both sing along to the classic songs as loud as we possibly could, laughing at one another if either of us has a noice crack.

At the end of the movie he gets me to sit up and we face eachother in the slightly cramped space a serious and nervous expression on his face.

(Rye's POV:)

I take a deep breath before looking Charlotte straight in the eyes "Charlotte Mackenzie Ryder, I know that we have only known eachother for a few weeks now and this is only our first date but you have made me so happy, I love being around you. And well Charlotte, I love you. So I would be thrilled to be able to call you my girlfriend" I choke out, stuttering slightly in places. I look down towards my legs waiting for a reply. But a verbal one never comes, instead she presses our lips together.

I smile as we pull apart and look up to see a wide smile on her face too "Ryan Leonard Beaumont, I would love to be your girlfriend" she laughs then says the next part of her sentence with a small stutter "and, I love you too" she turns a dark shade of pink and shifts her head towards the floor.

I lift her chin and cup her face in my hands kissing her gently once again smiling at the thought that this girl, this perfect, funny, shy yet confident, beautiful girls was my girlfriend.


Well here it is a double update for you all! Thought I would put it in two parts instead of one big one incase it got confusing. Anyway comment what you think of this chapter and what you think of Pandemonium but most importantly my new ship to the story Pack!-

That's for reading, love you guys- Charlotte 💛

Word count: 608

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