Chapter 4: "she had a rough night"

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I woke up with a long yawn as I stretch my arms up then openings eyes to an unfamiliar bedroom, I begin to panic completely forgetting the events of the previous night for a few seconds. Before I could prevent myself from doing so a small scream escaped my mouth. Within ten seconds a shirtless Rye was sitting on the side of the bed "Charlotte it's ok, your ok" he said in his soothing morning voice which immediately calmed me down.

My eyes flickered from his face to his chest 'dam I thought to myself. "I, I, I'm ok, just forgot where I was for a minute there" I stuttered with a small nervous laugh, why was I so shy around him? Half of my brain was fighting to keep my eyes on his face, the other half longing to look lover than the head. One side was winning significantly.

I hear a small chuckle and look back up to see a breath taking smirk planted on Ryan's lips telling me he also knew what side was winning. "You must still be a bit dazed, you seem to behaving some trouble keeping your eyes on my face" he teased, the smirk growing wider.

"here I will give you some help with that" he placed two of his fingers gently under my chin, tilting my head slightly up. I feel butterflies fill my stomach as he does this, what us he doing to me! Our eyes look and we just stare into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds before his eyes shifted to my lips and he started to lean in slowly.

We were inches apart when my stomach lets out a low rumble breaking the perfect moment. He leans back and pulls his band away with another low chuckle making my heart melt. "well someone's hungry" he said standing up to get himself a burgundy shirt to put on himself.

"You look about the same size as Sophie, I'm sure she wouldn't mind an old classmate of hers borrowing her clothes. She only keeps them here for when she comes to stay" he tells me clearly being careful about the subject of Sophie. He walked out and went into another room returning quickly with some clothes in his arms.

"I just grabbed the first outfit I saw, just come down to the kitchen when you are ready, I will make some breakfast, you like pancakes right?" I reply with a smile and a quick nod as he layed the clothes down on the bed and walked out, making sure to close the door behind him. I got out from under the bed covers and and got to it. There was a small pink bandeau top top and a tight white skirt that only reached half way down my thighs.

I found my way to the kitchen fairly easily by following the light sound of chattering, when I walked in I was met with smiles from Rye, Andy and Brooklyn. Rye picked up a plate from the side that had a pancake on it and came walking towards me teasingly slow. It immediately backfired when his face met a slippery patch on the floor

The rest of us broke into laughter as he went crashing to the floor, but I ended up wheezing when my asthma started acting up. I walked over to the dark haired boy on the floor a kind smile on my lips as I reached my hand out.

"Thanks" he said reaching out his hand lifting half of his body off of the floor but falling back down with a thud when I sharply pulled my hand away. "I love her already!" Brooklyn laughed giving me a big hug causing me to break out laughing again.

"Brook be careful with her she had a rough night remember" Andy told him as her gently pulled the hyper man-child off of me. The memories from the previous night rushing back to the front of my mind, I raise my hand to my cheek and tough it. I grit my teeth and blink away the tears threatening to spill over as I flinch from the pain.

I pull my phone out from the pocket in the tight skirt and got the camera up to see a sickeningly big, black bruise on my cheek bone. I looked like I had a black eye, what the hell was I going to tell my parents!

Word count: 746

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