Chapter 16: "Carrie"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

I'm scrolling through my instagram feed in bed, Rye was still half asleep though the bright sun shone through the curtains straight onto the bed.

"Hey have you seen these" I say tilting my phone to him so he can see Sophie's sly comments on his and Sonny's posts. "No, let's see" he says taking the phone so he can have a better look, "She is just being childish, try to ignore her, if she keeps doing this sort of thing I will have a chat with her".

He smiles up at me passing back my phone and tilting his head to kiss the back of my band that was resting on his shoulder.

I put my phone down and pick up a copy of my favourite book, no matter how many times I read it I will always love it.

I pull the front cover off the first page and then feel Rye shifting beside me. He sits up and rests his head on my shoulder to look at the Stephen King book in my hands.

"What you reading?" be asks lifting one brow inquisitively. "Carrie" I reply simply getting a chuckle from him. "haven't you read that enough times already, why do you love it so much?" he questions and I smirk and say "Well why don't you read it with me and find out"

Rue and I are luckily quite quick readers and we can easily read at the same pace so it was fairly easy to get the small book finished within two hours.

We had a couple points where someone would come in and try to talk to us but we would quickly shoo them away so we could get back to the brilliant book.

I look up after reading the last line to meet Rye's chocolate eyes "Ok gou win, that was a very good book" he admits genuinely. "Oh god, it's eleven, we should probably get up" I sigh looking at my watch.

Everyone apart from Sophie, who had been ill for a couple days now, are downstairs hanging out when we get down, Pan, Lilly and Tori had also stayed over last night so we had the whole of the rest of the day together.

"I'm bored, we should go out into the city and do something for the day" Lilly suggests amd shortly we are all lined up by the door and nominated as the most responsible I do a little head count "Ok then, me one, Rye two, Jack three, Pan four, Tori five, Brook six, Sonny seven, Lilly eight and Andy nine" I count.

"ok I think we are all good to go, no's kids we are going to go put into a big city now ok there are going to be a lot of dangerous things put there nut we need to all stick together ok".

"Ok mum!" Brook shouts from the middle and we all laugh at our stupidity.

"hup two three four, hup two three four!" I laugh as we march out the door towards the pavement and into the city.

We start off by taking a trip to Maccies and I am once again put in charge of keeping the grown children safe while Pan and Lilly get the food.

The boys are messing around with their straws playing games such as finger football and shooting spit balls at one another, I am just spectating  when I feel a cold hard thing hit my head and I look up to see Rye laughing with a paper straw in his mouth.

"You didnt just do that" I say with a dramatic gasp and smirking as I rip open the packaging on my straw scrunching it up, stuffing it in and taking aim "Bullseye!" I cheer when I get him right on the tip of his nose.

Merely seconds later I get a notification on my phone saying that Brook has tagged me in his story, I open it to see a video of the getting the perfect hit.

After McDonald's we fame a stroll up to where the main attractions such as the dungeons and Shrek's big adventure is and after a  discussion we decide on the London Eye.

(Pandemonium's POV:)

"ok guys smile!" I shout as the rest of the group crowds I front of one 'window', I then place the camera down on the bench in the middle of the pod and run into Jack's outstretched arms just before the camera clicks and the photo is taken.

"Ok does anyone want any other pictures?" I ask and all the couples immediately jump at the offer "Ok guys calm down, Rye and Charlotte you guys can go first, then Lilly and Sonny, then Brook and Tori and finally Charlotte can you take one of Jack and I" she agrees and them her and Rye get into a nice pose.

Charlotte is stood just on front of and slightly right the side of him with his hand draped around her shoulder ad she holds it and lets her other hand fall to her side.

Next is Sonny and Lilly who went for a pose where Sonny is placing one hand around her waist while intertwining the other hand with hers as he kisses he on the forehead.

Brook and Tori goes silly and spends about dive minutes getting Tori onto Brook's shoulders.

Finally it is Jack and I, I carefully give Charlotte the camera and went to stand with Jack. He stood behind me hugging me close and placing his head on my shoulder, we were facing away from the camera letting only our backs show.

By the time we got off it was three o'clock so we go down to the National Art gallery where we spend another hour mainly lounging around.

"Guys this is boring" Lilly moans and we all nod our heads agreement. "Well maybe we should play something, like maybe, hide and seek?" Tori suggests "Not it!" everyone shouts as fast as possible. "Ok Andy I think we can safely say you were last so your seeking" Charlotte says and I cut in by saying "I don't want to get lost in here, I think we should partner up".

(Andy's POV:)

Once everyone is in their pairs I close my eyes and start counting to thirty hearing then all run off.

After the thirty seconds are up I set off starting by going left as I head bickering coming from down the hall and sure enough Pan and Jack are arguing about what way they should go to hide.

"Guys, stop, um, I've found you" I laugh after a few seconds of watching them. "Well see I told you we should have gone the other way" Pan sighs and Jack playfully rolls his eyes at her "I think Rye and Charlotte went the other way" he says so I quickly turn the other way and get into a room with a large sculpture in where I hear quiet whispering.

I walk towards it expecting to find Charlotte and Rye but instead Sonny and Lilly are sitting together on the floor leaning against eachother. "Oh were we too loud?" Lilly rhetorically asks pulling Sony up with her.

After a few minutes I come across a room and Tori and Brook are stood admiring a picture in plain sight "what the hell are you doing?" I say walking over "Oh hey And, we were just looking at this, oh wait we were playing hide and seek weren't we" the realization on Tori's dace as the said if causes me to set off laughing.

When I finish I can hear faint sniggers from behind me and I manage to turn quick enough that I see two heads retreat back behind a curtain. "I saw you two come on out you've won anyway".

A lady wearing a security uniform approaches us and tell us off for playing hide and seek then asks us to leave as we were being to immature, like have you ever met this band!"

"I'm just going to quickly get a tea then we can get going" I announce when we get out walking up to a small cafe coming out a few minutes later with a cup of nice hot tea.

Earlier on we had decided, we'll Charlotte convinced us,  that to end the day we would see a musical so we started to head towards the theatre where Mama Mia is on. I turn my head to the side so I can talk to the others and everything is going well until something, or someone crashes into me.

Word count: 1440

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