chapter 19:"I said I would get revenge"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

I wake up in a cold sweat, my body shaking all over as I shoot up into a sitting position a small scream escaping my lips. Rye sat up beside me switching the bedside lamp on before turning to me and taking my hands in his.

"Charlotte, what's wrong, what happened?" He asks me worried as he hugs me close to his chest, "Was it that dream again?" He questioned referring to the reoccurring dreams I had been having about Jaxon. I tried to reply bu the sobs had taken over my voice so I just nodded my head against him.

He gently pulled back and placed a couple fingers under her chin to lift my head  making lift up my head and making our eyes meet. "He was horrible to you and done terrible, unspeakable things but that's in the past now, I'm here and I will never hurt you and I will never let anyone else hurt you either, I promise shortcake" he said as he moved his hands back to hold mine again.

I nod and wipe a tear before looking at what the time was, 8:30 "we should start getting ready" I say with a small smile as I get up from the bed to go through the clothes that he had packed for me.

I chose to wear black leggings, a burgundy cropped top and a pair of grey Nike trainers. I also put my hair into two French braids and put on a thin layer of mascara before asking if Rye was ready to go to breakfast.

We cheat and laugh for the whole of the meal being sure to take our time as we still take our time as we still had a while till we get access into the park.

"Oh and I've got one more surprise for you" Rye says with a smile as he leans slightly across the table towards me. "Oh yeah? What's that?" I say also leaning. "I have been an amazing boyfriend and got us fast tracks for the day" he says and I quickly peck him on the lips.

I feel like I'm going to explode from happiness "so we have to leave to go into the park slightly earlier to collect them" he finishes before getting up and offering his hand out to me which I gladly took.

Before I knew it we were skipping up to the fast track collection point like a couple of little girls, giggles and squeals coming from both of us. We were the first people to get there so it was hardly any time before we were lining up for a tea and coffee while we wait for the lines to open, which also quickly did.

We run to the entrance of swarm, well it was more of me running and Rye being dragged, but that doesn't matter, we quickly get to the front of the que and I sprint to the front row almost bouncing with excitement.

He chuckles as I push him into the inside seat and get myself into the one on the edge. The grin was permanently plastered onto my face but grew wider as I felt Rye's fingers intertwine with mine.

I look over to see him staring at me with a thoughtful smile, we start moving and around half way up the slope I throw my free hand up and scream "Fuck yeah!" before laughing.

We get off the ride and I pull him round to see our photo, Rye was in mid scream and it looks like his cheeks were rippling and I have my eyes shut and a wide grin on my face. "Aww you look so cute in that" Rye says squishing my face slightly with two fingers. "And you look, well how can I put this, you look like air force isn't such a great look for you" I say with a pitiful nod.

"I am going to get my revenge for that" he says before paying to get the photo and dragging me to tidal wave which I try to get my way out of but he was way too good for me. We hear someone calling Rye's name. Two pre-teen girls approach us, one with short red hair and the other with long, curly brown hair. "Oh my God hi, I love you so much!" The one with darker hair says and the red head is clearly too shocked to speak. "Well hi, what are your names?" Rye asks them and the dark haired girl introduces herself as Mia and the other one says her name is Penny. Rye takes pictures and hugs the girls before Penny turns to me and says "can we get one with you too?" So I say yes and happily do it.

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