Chapter 22: "well thank fuck for that"

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(Charlotte's POV:)

I click off of Instagram and go onto tik tok, I mainly use my account to post covers and I haven't posted in a while. I put the phone on the side before picking up the guitar and pressing record.

I decide on I Have A Dream as it is my first song it is my first song in the show. I do it a few times before getting it right and hitting next, I put the caption as "Living the dream 💙" before posting.

I quickly get a few likes and comments that I look through and reply to. There was one that caught my eye "Is it true that the guy playing Sky is your Ex?", I just like it and close the app.

I sit quietly for a few seconds before calling the one person I feel like talking to at the moment.

"Hey Charlotte!"

"Hey Lil, I'm bored"

"Let me guess, the boys are in a meeting and you want me to come round with some maccies and watch a movie with you?"

"You know sometimes I think you're psychic, I'll have a box of twenty nuggets, large fries, large caramel frap and a double chocolate muffin thanks"

(A/N: Wow that was a whole ass mood)

"That's a lot"

"I'm hungry don't judge!"

"Sure sure, I'll be round in fifteen"



(Lilly's POV:)

She hangs up and I put my phone into my pocket laughing. I quickly run out of the house towards Macdonalds where I get our food. I get myself a chicken burger with medium fries and medium diet coke. The que isn't long and I end up getting to the brick a couple minutes early.

Charlotte lets me in and we head upstairs. We spread ourselves out on the sofa and look through movies, "oooh how about Fight club" Charlotte smiles as she sticks some chips into her mouth. "Sure, but isn't it an 18?" I reply with a raised eyebrow and she laughs. "You're seriously worried about watching an 18, I would watch whatever I wanted when I was your age, but of course I had to sneak behind their back for most of them, tell me you have at least seen the trailer for it" she asks me and I nod. She let's out an over the top sigh "well thank fuck for that!".

She grabs a chicken nugget and smiles as she presses play, then we try to the first fight and I'm practically on the edge of my seat with excitement.

I squint my eyes during the gore as it is slightly too graphic for me. "This is actually really good" I smile and I hear a muffled reply so I look and see that Charlotte is shoveling chips into her mouth. "You're gonna choke if your not careful!" I say with a laugh and she shoots me an unimpressed look.

About half way through the movie Charlotte pauses it "ugh I got a banging headache, all the paracetamols are downstairs though" Charlotte says rubbing her temples so I get up. "I'll get them don't worry about it!" I tell her walking out of the room and down the stairs.

I search through all the cupboards but eventually give up and knock on the door to the room where the boys were mid meeting.

I open the door and stick my head inside "hey guys, sorry to interrupt but Charlotte has a massive headache and I can't find the paracetamols anywhere" Andy goes to stand up but on seeing this Sonny quickly blurts out "I'll go!". He stands up and almost immediately falls onto his face prompting a laugh from everyone.

"Hello" he says when he reaches me, he closes the door behind us and presses our lips together momentarily "I missed you" he whispers and I giggle as I hug him "Sonny it's been one day".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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